lymph information



This will be one of the most valuable posts on the internet about human health !  Health is wealth!!
The western world of medicine and surgery, has come to know about the human body’s lymph node system only 60 years ago.
The Greeks Hippicratus, Ruphus and Hirphilos  came to know of the lymph nodes system from the Ayurvedic texts of India  , 2000 years ago.   You must understand that Ayurveda is 6000 years old.
The Ayurvedic massage for Lymph node drainage is amazingly scientific, using nav-dhanya dry powder. Nav Dhanya is 9 different grades of grain and pulses , having different scales of hardness and size.
When I wrote my post SURYA NAMASKAR, THE 11000 YEAR OLD VEDIC SUN SALUTATION- VADAKAYIL, I deliberately left out the physical aspect of Surya Namaskar.
I just referred to the blog statistics and have found out that my post SURYA NAMASKARwas downloaded 36278 times in a little under 10 months.  This could be a world record for a single post on an exercise.
Now I will talk about the physical YOGA aspect of Surya Namaskar. You will be amazed that this intricate and vast knowledge  is available in our Ayurveda books.
Yoga is NOT about twisting yourself like a pretzel to stretch and limber up. It had the amazing capability to boost your immunity to almost all diseases, and to help you to recover fast from existing ones. This works like magic, as it has everything to do with your body’s lymph system.
Now let me digress-
Two years ago, I came back home on leave after a particularly torturous flight pattern from South America when I could NOT keep my legs up for nearly 2 days. I had difficulty in removing my boots when i reached home.
The next morning I found that both my legs were swollen , edema , as it is popularly known. At the first glance it looked like a simple case of lymph drainage problem. In which case I had to take care of it from a Lymph angle.When you sit still for a long time without moving, the lymph can’t flow easily — this is why you may experience swollen feet
Since I am not the type who jumps the gun, I waited for another 4 days. Gave my legs enough time to be rested at a high place with respect to my heart. The swelling was still the same. My wife got worried about my kidneys, as the kidney department beds of all Kerala hospitals are full, since the past 10 years .
So I told my wife, just show me the salt packet she used in cooking. It was a famous brand of Iodized salt. I just dumped the whole thing into the garbage and told my wife ” let us go to the supermarket.  We need to buy “natural unrefined sea salt”.  Never mind the spin of the manufacturers of this Iodized salt brand “.
I never got swollen feet after that. When there is too much Iodine in the body it upsets the Lymphatic system.
Main stream science and medicine has NOT caught up yet with the Lymphatic system. A good Lymph doctor can have one look at you, and tell you what is wrong with you. This science is so exact.
It is a shame to see middle aged women suffering from excessive bleeding, cramps and PMS.  In the West , due to the type of food they eat, women suffer needlessly from breast tumours and cancer. This category must pay special attention to this post. They have help in the form of an Ayurvedic Lymph drainage massage.
You will NOT appreciate the meaning of such a weird massage, unless you know the basics. Unfortunately your science books in school almost ignored this subject.
The lymphatic system in your body is a series of connected nodes, ducts and organs that play a vital part in your immune system.
The human arteries are like a two-lane highway bringing nutrients, oxygen and fluid to the body part. The vein is a one-lane highway taking away the used blood, and the lymphatic channels are the other one-lane highway draining away the lymph fluid.
Two lanes in together, but two out lanes separate out. Blood is responsible for collecting and distributing oxygen, nutrients and hormones to the entire body where lymph is responsible for collecting and removing waste products left behind in the tissues. Plasma leaks out of the capillaries to surround and bathe the body tissues. This then drains into the lymph vessels.

The circulatory system processes an average of 20 liters of blood per day.  Roughly 17 liters per day of that gets reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels. The primary function of the lymph system is to provide an accessory route for these excess 3 liters per day to get returned to the blood.So colourless lymph is essentially recycled blood plasma. The biggest lymph vessel is the thoracic duct, which empties back into the blood circulation.  At the cellular level, the lymphatic system is a pathway through which fluid flows from the intercellular spaces into the blood.

The lymphatic system has vessels just like our circulatory system, but does not have a pump like the heart for the circulatory system . In order to clear the “lymph” (the clear extracellular fluid that is collected by the lymphatic vessels and filtered by the lymph nodes), the lymphatic system must be pumped manually.
Lymph is a clear fluid that travels through your body’s arteries, circulates through your tissues to cleanse them and keep them firm, and then drains away through the separate lymphatic system.
Lymph nodes are the filters along the lymphatic system.  Their job is to filter out and trap bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other unwanted substances, and to make sure they are safely eliminated from the body.
Each cell is nourished by the nutrients, oxygen and proteins that flow across the walls of capillaries into the interstitial fluid. There is a dynamic balance between the forces that help those nutrients to first exit the capillaries, and then get reabsorbed back into the blood stream.
Proteins play a big part in this transfer because they have a tendency to draw water to themselves. This means that the proper amounts of protein on both sides of the capillary wall are vital to keep the tissues balanced. If there are too many proteins within the interstitial spaces, fluid will start to accumulate, causing edema. The lymph system’s role of removing proteins is vital to keeping edema down. If the lymph system becomes sluggish, edema can develop. This type of edema is called lymphostatic edema- or a high protein edema.
Other causes of edema can be a chemical imbalance in the body caused by liver disease, diabetes, or a variety of other ailments. This type of edema is called lymphodynamic edema, and requires other forms of therapy due to the fact that it is a chemical imbalance.
Below picture– western women , can avoid breast cancer and tumors by knowing the nodes . and which way to massage. They wear tight bras, which restrict drainage.  Breast is loose flesh without skeletal ligaments and muscle , and hence cannot drain properly .
The lymphatic system, because of its physical proximity to many tissues of the body, is responsible for carrying cancerous cells between the various parts of the body in a process called metastasis. The intervening lymph nodes can trap the cancer cells. If they are not successful in destroying the cancer cells the nodes may become sites of secondary tumors.
Lymphatic blockages can result in a swelling at the lymphatic node junctions. This condition results in providing a breeding ground for viruses and pathogenic material.  The lymph system acts as a reservoir of infection, churning out billions of infected immune-system cells that eventually spill into the blood stream, where they travel to other parts of the body.  Up to to ten times as much virus may reside in the lymph system as in the blood.
Since there is no pump, the lymph movement relies on contraction of smooth muscle tissue lining the walls of lymph vessels. Movement of skeletal muscles is also important for driving lymph along the systems network of vessels to lymph nodes and from these to lymph ducts where the lymph tissue joins cardiovascular circulation. This is what the scientifically formulated Yoga positions do.
So lymph is basically the fluid and protein ( plasma ) that has been squeezed out of the blood. The lymph is drained from the tissue in microscopic blind-ended vessels called lymph capillaries. Lymphedema is the swelling caused by the accumulation of lymph fluid, which may occur if the lymphatic system is damaged or has malformations.  Enlarged lymph nodes may be caused by lack of sleep, imbalance and irregular meals, long-hour standing or seating, improper gestures, etc.
Lymph vessels run through the body in much the same way blood vessels do. The capillaries of the circulatory system leak the plasma and nutrients into the tissues of the body to feed the individual cells. Most of that fluid is not returned to the circulatory system, but rather stays in between the tissue layers as interstitial fluid.
This fluid is filtered into the lymph vessels and travels back toward the heart where it will be returned to the circulatory system. When the interstitial fluid enters the lymphatic system the fluid is called lymph. Lymph nodes lie in specific locations along the lymphatic vessels and perform vital functions for the body’s immune system.
6000 years ago, Ayurveda and Yoga  realized that many lymph nodes are situated near the region around the joints. Humans have approximately 500-700 lymph nodes distributed throughout the body, with clusters found in the underarms, groin, neck, chest, and abdomen.
All lymph vessels lead to lymph nodes. Lymph nodes can be as small as the head of a pin, or as big as an olive . Half of the lymph nodes in the body, are  located in the abdomen, and many are in the neck.
The movements of the limbs help to act as a pump to move the lymph through the system. They are located in clusters around the knee, groin, elbows, shoulders and neck. Lymph nodes are also found in the central abdominal and chest area to assist with lymph drainage around the vital organs. 
Every Yoga movement take this into account. This is why Yoga must not be self inflicted.  Because the lymph doesn’t have a heart to pump it so good circulation of the lymphatic system depends on getting proper stretching exercise and yogic inverted postures which use gravity.
Human lymph nodes are bean-shaped and range in size from a few millimeters to about 1–2 cm in their normal state.
Lymph nodes can become swollen for several reasons. When an infection invades the body, more white blood cells can flood into the lymph nodes to fight the antigen. If there is inflammation in the area of the lymph node, the inflamed cells can enter the node and cause it to swell.Malignant cancer cells can infiltrate the node, causing it to expand.  Lymphoma and leukemia also can lead to swollen nodes, caused by the multiplication of cancerous lymphocytes.
Fats are evacuated through lymphatic vessels. These vessels are located in virtually every area of the body where fats may accumulate. The functioning of the immune system is stimulated through increased lymph flow.The additional flow carries more antigens to the lymph nodes, thereby increasing antibody/antigen contact. This has been found to help with chronic or subacute inflammatory processes — chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disease, bronchitis, sinusitis, amygdalitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, arthritis, acne and eczema.
When the lymphatic system becomes blocked or begins working slowly then it effects all of the body. All of the toxins that your body will normally throw away will then be soaked into other organs and can cause other harmful health conditions, including obesity.
Fats in dairy, hydrogenated vegetable fats and fatty meats can slow the flow of the lymphatic waste system forcing the body to absorb these fats and toxins resulting in obesity, cellulite and disease.
The Ayurvedic lymphatic drainage massage works with the filtering and cleaning of the lymph nodes, starting at the arms and legs and moving towards the lymph nodes.  The lymph nodes are gently stimulated, encouraging them to discharge their contents throughout the lymphatic network, facilitating the removal of lymphatic waste from the body.
Ayurvedic Lymphatic drainage massage is a therapeutic massage treatment. The massage uses very light pressure and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase lymphatic flow, with the aim of getting rid of toxins in your body. The amazing paradox is that such a superficial massage technique targetting just under the skin has such a deep impact. 
Lymphatic drainage massage must take place in a warm room, as warmth is an important factor in increasing lymphatic flow. 

The lymph flow has to go towards the heart.  When I did my lymph drainage Ayurvedic massage, the routine was one hour daily for 10 days.  Three people labored on me with nav dhanya – 9 different types of broken grains and pulses of different hardness and sizes.. 

The shallow abrasive dry grain massage causes the outer layer of skin slough off.  Initially you feel as if sand is being rubbed on the skin. It uproots all the body , arm , leg , hair too, as the long superficial stroke is mostly against the lay if the hair. If you do NOT use dry grain powder, you have to use a brush with bristles. 

The day you go for the massage eat only fruits, and drink lot of water. After the massage drink lot of water again.

See picture above– a lot of  you have got yourself a HARD massage from IGNORANT massues and permanently damaged the non-return valves of your lymph nodes. Think back –when did you do allow a such a spurious massage on your back torso and shoulders.

It gently stimulates blood flow to the skin through the smaller capillaries in the skin’s deeper layers. The increased blood flow both promotes skin renewal and supports proper elimination and detoxification.  

Approximately 70% are superficial lymphatic capillaries located  just under, the skin. The remaining 30%, which are known as deep lymphatic capillaries, surround most of the body’s organsThe deep ones can be stimulated only by YogaLike veins, the lymphatic vessels, which are known as lymphangions, have one-way valves to prevent any backward flow.
The lymphatic system drainage is organized into two separate, and very unequal drainage areas. The right drainage area clears the right arm and chest. The left drainage area clears all of the other areas of the body including both legs, the lower trunk upper left of the chest, and the left arm.
Lymph vessels make an intimate meshwork that covers every inch of your skin, and surrounds each organ in great detail.  By performing lymphatic drainage massage correctly, we can stimulate the opening of the initial lymphatic and increase the volume of lymph flow by as much as 20 times. But if  you push too hard, you collapse the initial lymphatic, diminishing the lymph flow. 

Excessive pressure can even break the filaments that hold the initial lymphatic in place. This is one reason that deep styles of massage are contraindicated in areas of edema. Luckily if deep pressure has broken any filaments, they usually reform within 48 hours. Be careful, as Lymph nodes that has been damaged or destroyed, does not regenerate.
Calendula, also known Calendula officinalis, is an herb that may be helpful in improving your lymphatic drainage.. The flowers of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, including stimulating lymphatic drainage.  Calendula is also a lymphagogue, or a substance that supports your lymphatic organs and stimulates your lymph system.

Lymphatic drainage massage ( use sesame or virgin coconut oil ) has a positive effect on the following conditions:
Fluid retention – puffy ankles, legs, eyes, and abdomen.
Arthritis and rheumatism.
Assistance for migraine, headaches, and MS
Constipation and digestive disorders.
Sinusitis and hayfever.
Hormonal imbalance.
Recurring infections – colds, flu, ear or chest.
Skin disorders – acne, scleroderma, eczema and psoriasis.
Wearing a tight compression garment during yoga exercise also provides resistance to further stimulate the lymph flow. This acts like wringing a wet towel. Like body inversions and head stand exercises, twists offer your body new ways to remove toxins and flush important lymph around the entire torso. 

Yogic asanas to aid lymph flow includes neck rotation, shoulder shrugs, ankle pumps, leg slides, shoulder blade squeezes etc. Yoga diaphragmatic breathing and many yoga positions open up the chest cavity, while poses like shoulder stands, enlist gravity to help lymph fluid get where it is supposed to go. 

Below video–Suryanamaskar for deep Lymph node drainage.  Surya namaskar can increase lymph flow 20 fold.  Two-thirds of the lymph is produces in the liver and intestines.

Because the lymphatic system is a closed pressure system and has one-way valves that keep lymph moving towards the heart, when one turns upside down like in Shirshasan , the entire lymphatic system is stimulated, thus strengthening your immune system.
 Lymph fluid is relieved from the legs and ankles and with regular practice prevents the buildup of fluid in the legs and feet.  Usually gravity is pulling us down and compressing our bodies, yet when we do inversions this process is completely reversed. So instead of working against us, gravity is working for us by decompressing our bodies and reversing the flow of the lymphatic system, which does NOT have a pump. 
Yoga asanasas help to shift Lymph fluids around your body in ways that you would not ordinarily be able to achieve in daily life .

Inverted yoga poses are particularly beneficial to the white collar office workers who have occupations that require prolonged sitting still . These work positions increase the occurrence of fluid build up in the blood vessels and lymphatic channels of the legs. With light yoga inversions, swelling, discomfort and other chronic conditions can be alleviated. 

Recapitulation: Lymph drainage massage can increase the flow of lymph by as much as 20 times! A normal lymphatic flow is about 4 ounces of lymph per hour. This means that with Manual Lymphatic Drainage the flow can be increased to as much as 80 ounces per hour!  All by superficial skin massage gently stimulating the lymph nodes located just below the surface of the skinThe deeper nodes can be stimulated only by Yoga exercises.
Gentle lymphaticsurface  massage aids your weight loss , but not by hard massaging away body fat.
Warning: If there is an infection anywhere in the body, lymphatic drainage cannot be done, as it will spread the infection throughout the body.
Finally surface lymph drainage massage and yoga asana deep lymph fluid channeling if done properly can cause obese people to lose weight and dimpled cellulite–it is more or less a miracle. .
Move only the surface of the skin.  Avoid engaging the muscles. The fluid is moved into the lymph nodes by lightly stretching the skin in specific directions.
Just by de-congesting lymph nodes, and getting the body rid of lipomas or fibroadenomas?
Yes!.Below pictures of swollen and infected lymph nodes

Kalari marma knock out points can permanently damage certain NON-RETURN valves of the lymphatic system, when means the enemy goes home bloats up and dies.  Kalari was introduced to Kerala by warrior saint Lord Parashurama, an avatar of Vishnu.  To know more punch into Google search KALARIPAYATTU, THE OLDEST MARTIAL ART- VADAKAYIL.

Note: Women with PMS problems and Uterus cysts must read this post and benefit from it. This is 6200 year old Indian wisdom,  laid out by Maharishi seers.  Punch into Google search FATHERS OF SURGERY AND MEDICINE- VADAKAYIL.

Yoga has timings. You cannot get up at midnight and start doing yoga. The ancient Vedic seers knew this 6000 years ago.
Magnesium and potassium live normally within the human cell, and sodium and calcium are found outside. During the day sodium sneaks into the cell, taking a hydrogen ion with it, which is acidifying.  In order to buffer this acidity, which is toxic to the cell, calcium also moves in.  This has the effect of displacing potassium ( by sodium) and magnesium ( by calcium ) which is pushed out of the cell.  At night the opposite takes place and potassium and magnesium move back into the cell, pushing out the calcium and sodium, which takes the hydrogen ion with it. This has the effect of cleansing the cell, so you should wake up bright and refreshed.
The moon has an affinity for sodium.
How many of you know that the moon leaves a sodium trail thousands of miles long? 
Why does our ocean have sodium?




At the outset I would like you to punch into Google search SURYA NAMASKAR- VADAKAYIL.
In one year flat more than 23,000 people have downloaded this post, which is pretty good going for a spiritual post. 

What is the worth of all your main stream science school books which still teach you the NONSENSE of Charles Darwin and tells you very little about your DNA and Pineal gland? 

The Vedas talked about Tvasta ( helix DNA) , 7000 years ago.

Shiva Lingam is the Pineal Gland of Lord Shiva — it is NOT his penis as Vatican likes to say.  
You see the black stone in every Hindu Shiva Temple. In fact wherever the Hindus found such a stone, they built a temple over it. This is the reason why you see Shiva Temples in dense forests.
The black Shiva Lingam stone is a meteorite stone from a Binary star by the name of Marthanda, which contains DNA– yes Noah’s ark in a black stone.  
On 8th Aug 2011,  NASA in a most surprising declaration which shocked main stream scientists, ( Vatican and Islamic Mecca included ) ,  agreed that DNA is indeed from outer space and that too from black meteorite stones– exactly as mentioned in the Indian Rig Veda 7000 years ago.
Anything which holds the seed for future growth is alluded to as the divine penis.  This is what god’s phallus or Shiva lingam is all about.

The main attraction is Mecca is just this black meteorite stone. 
There used to be a Shiva Temple at the spot of Kaaba , before Islam came into existence.  This stone is now installed in a horizontal direction at the South East corner of Kaaba, 5 feet above the ground. 
You take way this powerful stone and Mecca is not a holy place anymore.  
This is why majestic Petra civilization died–as the black Shiva Lingam stone was stolen.
The Pineal Gland of this planet is Mount Kailash in the Himalayas.
Vatican likes to hide this black stone in their underground vaults–  at least the Muslims are proud of it.  St Peter’s cathedral was the site of a PAGAN ( Shiva ) temple before.  Jesus sent his bright disciple to Vatican to make the first church there. 
The second church on this planet is made by another bright disciple Thomas, on Jesus’s instructions at Kondungalur Kerala , India-  the cultural centre of the Calicut king. I am from Calicut.  
The second mosque on this planet is also at Kodungalur and is called the Cheraman Perumal mosque. Cheraman Perumal was the king of Calicut . He went all the way to Mecca to meet Mohammed after the black stone was uprooted , as the Shiva temple at Mecca oasis belonged to him.
The ancient Indian Maharishis had 12 strand DNA and a king size Pineal gland as large as a lemon.  You and me have 2 strand DNA ( out of which 97% is junk ) and a tiny raisin size calcified Pineal gland. 
The Maharishis , were supermen with amazing powers which included producing matter from human energy, telepathy, healing powers which included time reversal of cells, invisibility, levitation , reading from aakashik ( ether/ ZPF  ) records of past and future etc. 

These 12 strand DNA maharishis with raised Kundalinis , could read aakashik records , convert them from fractal geometry, for daily life use. The cobra on Lord Shiva ‘s shoulders shows raised Kundalini and open third eye. This self realisation (of opening the third eye) , is the ultimate goal of consciousness.

In the Vedas written in 5000 BC,  Marthanda is the physically deformed cast away son of Nebula, Aditi. Aditi is the mother of all mothers.  
It is actually a huge energized mass of rock ( a binary star ) which revolves round the sun every 12500 years and at perigee causes lot of disturbances on planet earth.
In the Rig Veda written in 5000 BC , Aditi is mentioned more than 80 times.  Aditi is Devamatri (mother of the gods) as from and in her cosmic matrix all the heavenly bodies were born.
As the celestial virgin and mother of every existing form and being, the synthesis of all things, she is highest akasa.  As the womb of space, she is a feminized form of Brahma. The idea of Virgin mary came from this Hindu concept. 
The line in the Rig-Veda: “Daksha sprang from Aditi and Aditi from Daksha” has reference to “the eternal cyclic re-birth of the same divine Essence” (SD 2:247n).  In one of its most mystic aspects Aditi is divine wisdom or consciousness.
Above : the Marthanda temple in Kashmir, destroyed by Muslim invaders.
Aditi cast away her 8th son Marthanda as he was mis shapen—- Rig Veda Mandala10-Sukta-72(10-72). It is also called SAGALA , ( meaning “everything” – all DNA building blocks ) in Sanskrit, and in my own language Malayalam, from which the black, heavier than iron, SHIVA LINGAMS scattered all over the Indian subcontinent and certain parts of the planet.
DNA is the master tuning fork of the human body. When you resonate your Pineal gland with your DNA,  magic happens. When the DNA strikes a particular frequency all other molecules follow. 
After 21st Dec 2012 , the earth will be showered by Cosmic rays, which will upgrade your DNA and enlarge and decalcify your shriveled up pineal gland ,provided you exercise your FREE choice , in wanting this to happen to yourself.
What is all this furore about 21st Dec 2012?
After Dec 21 2012, when the sun is at the bindu of the Sri Yantra ( cosmic womb ) , aligned with the galactic equator , we will understand this intelligent force residing inside the DNA.

In the Solar System, the planets and the Sun lie roughly within the same flat plane, known as the plane of the ecliptic.  From our perspective on Earth, the ecliptic is the path taken by the Sun across the sky over the course of the year.  The twelve constellations that line the ecliptic are known as the zodiac and, annually, the Sun passes through all of them in turn.  

Additionally, over time, the Sun’s annual cycle appears to recede very slowly backward by one degree every 72 years, or by one constellation every 2,160 years. This backward movement, called “precession”, is due to a slight wobble in the Earth’s axis as it spins, and can be compared to the way a spinning top wobbles as it slows down. 

Over the course of 25,765 years, a period often called a Great Year, the Sun’s path completes a full, 360-degree backward rotation through the zodiac . Presently, the Sun’s March equinox position is in the constellation Pisces and is moving back into Aquarius. This signals the end of one astrological age (the Age of Pisces) and the beginning of another (the Age of Aquarius).

Similarly, the Sun’s December solstice position (in the northern hemisphere, the lowest point on its annual path; in the southern hemisphere, the highest) is currently in the constellation of Sagittarius, one of two constellations in which the zodiac intersects with the Milky Way. Every year, on the December solstice, the Sun and the Milky Way, from the surface of the Earth, appear to come into alignment, and every year, precession causes a slight shift in the Sun’s position in the Milky Way. 
Given that the Milky Way is between 10° and 20° wide, it takes between 700 and 1400 years for the Sun’s December solstice position to precess through it.  It is currently about halfway through the Milky Way, crossing the galactic equator. In 2012, the Sun’s December solstice will fall on 21 December.

After Dec 21st 2012, a lot of humans on this planet will shift to the wisdom mode rather than the knowledge mode, due to preprogramming of his DNA by star dust.  Tvasta , the double helix coiled serpents which cannot be destroyed- is mentioned in Rig Veda of 5000 BC , ( DNA ) as that which gives rise to all life in living creatures.  
Wisdom determines how knowledge will be used.  Science will happily accept consciousness.  Darwin and Newton will be consigned to the dustbin and man will understand the powers of his mind, as told in the Vedas written in 5000 BC.  
We humans have consciousness and we have a free choice if we wish to evolve further to higher consciousness. This means our junk DNA ( 97% of the total ) will be used and be mutated to 12 strand DNA.  When the time is right, ( after 21st Dec 2012 ) the star dust DNA from outer cosmos will be energised by scalar waves and the cells will emerge to give new life forms plant and animal. 

In quantum physics quantum coherence means that subatomic particles are able to cooperate. These subatomic waves or particles not only know about each other , but are also highly interlinked by bands of common electromagnetic fields, so that they can communicate together. 
They are like a multitude of tuning forks that all begin resonating together. As the waves get into phase of sync, they begin acting like one giant wave and one giant subatomic particle. It becomes difficult to tell them apart.  
Electrons glide easily along light pipes without getting entangled in their environment, or settling into any set single state. This means they can remain in quantum state, a condition of all possible states, enabling the brain eventually to finally choose among them. This is free will. 
At every moment our brains are making quantum choices, taking potential states and making them actual ones. Brain processes occurred at the quantum level. The dendritic networks in the brain operate in tandem through quantum coherence. The electrical activity of microtubules inside the  dendrites and neurons in the brain is  at the heart of consciousness. 
Our brain talks to itself and the rest of the  body in the language of wave interference –phase , frequency and amplitude. We perceive an object by resonating with it,  thus getting in sync with it. To know the world is to be literally to be on its wavelength.
Let me give a Vedic explanation for FREE WILL or FREE CHOICE.
Our brain is holographic. While introducing Nikola Tesla to longitudinal field ZPF waves , in 1903, the great Indian mystic has told him -“every part is a whole and everything springs from the whole”. This was 45 years before a hologram was invented.  This Vedic science is 7000 years old– written in Sanskrit.
This is why our brain can store unlimited data in such limited space. Von Neumann a Hungarian super genius ( both Neumann and Tesla were more intelligent than Einstein ) had calculated that our brain can store 2.8 X 10 raised to 20 bits of information.
Holograms are all about changing the angle at which two lasers strike a piece of photographic film- to record many different images on same surface. Any image thus recorded can be retrieved simply by illuminating the film with a laser beam possessing the same angle as the original two beams.
Our FREE CHOICE is about finding the right angle to call up the image / memory of what we want or search. This is why a person seconds away from suicide can be given a tight slap across his face , to force change this angle–and then he would not want to commit suicide at all.  surprised?


The THIRD EYE of Lord Shiva is in reality is the Pineal Gland. This super conducting resonator has mystical powers. Once the third eye is developed it is far more powerful than any of your 5 human senses.

Though it is not part of the brain, the pineal gland develops from the roof of the diencephalon, a section of the brain, and functions as a light receptor.  Darwin may not agree with me — but, the pineal gland is the evolutionary forerunner of the modern eye. . 

This gland synthesizes melatonin and enzymes sensitive to diurnal light.  Rhythmic changes in its activity in response to cyclical photic input shows that the gland serves as a biological clock. 

Below–note Shiva’s trishul — tamas -sattwa-rajas prongs ( trident ) on the yin-yang symbol.

To activate the ‘third eye’ and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal ( soul ) and the pituitary ( body ) glands must vibrate in YIN-YANG unison, to create a field , which is achieved through meditation, Mantra chanting ( cymatics ) and Surya yog ( sun gazing.) .The great Himalayan masters did surya yog by gazing at the rising sun with a silver coin placed in between the eyebrows on the forehead .

The solar wind at dawn, charging the earth’s magnetic field, stimulates the pineal gland. This is the best time to meditate , chant and sun gaze as the level of Ulra Violet rays is too low to harm your eyes.  At dawn, the negatively charged pineal and the positively charged pituitary combine their essences to create a “light in the head”.
Pranayama ( deep breathing ) floods the Pineal gland with oxygen, to make it resonate. If you are right handed you must breathe in via the left nostril.
The ancient Indian mystics have used the hallucinogenic effects of Soma of Rig Veda ( more potent than LSD ) to induce this effect.  114 hymns of the 7000 year old Rig Veda talks about Soma preparations and its effects.
This is the elusive HOLY GRAIL for telepathy and psychic teleportation — not what Dan Brown wrote in the Da Vinci code. The psychedelic journeys of seers are accessed and experienced within the realms of the pineal gland.  Serotonin has the same chemical structure as this hallucinogenic substance.

As per quantum laws we are essentially electrical beings existing in a state of resonance with the electromagnetic field of the earth. The reddish grey pineal gland is located in the geometric center of the brain. It is located directly behind the eyes.
There are many who think that Pineal Gland is the only organ of the brain that does not come in pairs. However, under a microscope you can see that the pineal gland is divided into two fine hemispheres.

The nerves that serve the pineal gland don’t originate in the brain but in the sympathetic nervous system. In adults, calcium make the pineal gland visible on X rays.

In Vedic times 10000 years ago, at the banks of the Saraswati river, the crystallised pineal gland of the great Masters was said to be the size of a lemon, and this with evolution, spiritual pollution and change in breathing patterns , has now been atrophied to the size of a very small pea.

In Mahabharata war of 4000 BC, Sanjaya , with awakened Kundalini and 12 DNA strands , sits 5000 miles from the scene of battle and gives the blind King Dhritarashtra a blow by blow account.
This gland can be activated by activated by sunlight ( sun gazing ) , and also by sound resonance ( mantra chanting ) during Surya Namaskar. .  It controls the various biorhythms of the body. It can discern negative energies, based on perception of vibrating energies around you.
It plays a major role in hibernation of animals, metabolism, and seasonal breeding. In humans it affects circadian rhythms, sleep patterns ( melatonin levels increase at night), and is implicated in seasonal affective disorder. The pineal gland calcifies with age and melatonin production correspondingly decreases.
Serotonin is transformed into melatonin only in the pineal gland. Decline in melatonin is the trigger for the aging process, for Melatonin is the SUPER ANTIOXIDANT of nature.  The hormone Melatonin, induces sleep, while Serotonin, keeps you happy and in a balanced mental state of mind. PROZAC raises serotonin.  

At the time of death Seratonin and Melatonin in the brain breaks down to Dimethyltryptamine or DMT, C12 N2 H16, just after the oxygen stops circulating. This is the moment for the ultimate DMT trip. You see your whole past life as FRACTAL divine geometry.

When the pineal gland does not receive sunlight, it secretes Melatonin, which induces sleep, increases blood sugar, craze for food, leading to obesity, fears and anxiety. The pineal gland is a photosensitive organ and thus an important timekeeper for the human body.

For migrating birds, the pineal gland is the center for navigation. The pineal gland is a magneto receptor, capable of monitoring magnetic fields, and helping to align the body in space. Changing the direction of magnetic fields around the heads of birds alters their ability to orient. The pineal can generate its own magnetic field because it contains magnetite. This field can interact with the earth’s magnetic field.
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) suppress the activity of the pineal gland and reduce melatonin production. EMF activity therefore disrupts the bodies circadian rhythms. Cell phones, with their dangerous radiation fields, attack the pineal gland .
The pineal gland produces PINOLINE, ( 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC ) . Pinoline also resonates with the very pulse of life 7.83 Hertz, the pulse the DNA uses to replicate, and which has been measured to be emitted from the brains and hands of all successful healers, regardless of belief or faith.
Resonance can vibrate the pineal gland, to release seratonin, melatonin, DMT, etc. If you have a strong enough sense of conciousness you will taste a huge pituitary release in the back of your mouth and sinuses and throat, it is referred to as ambrosia ( amrit — mental orgasm discharge ) . This is a result of DMT production . DMT is the spirit molecule that bends space-time.


Crystals amplifies the radio wave field by resonating or vibrating in oneness with the source of the radio signal .  When you move the dial on the radio to tune into a favorite station, you are arriving at the perfect resonance between its electronic circuit and the station’s frequencies. 

When two vibrating systems are in resonance with each other, a rise in amplitude in the waves takes place.  The planet and the cosmos communicates with us in this primal language of frequencies.
The sacred hyperdimensional geometry of DMT via hadronic mechanics is the Sri Yantra — the universal phase-conjugational force . Pineal DMT is the chemical messenger which links body and spirit. Dimethyltryptamine, is a psychedelic tryptamine

Soma , mentioned several times in the 7000 year old Rig Veda, had DMT in  over a billion times potency —everybody could not handle it .  Totally organic and natural this hyper psychedelic makes the human body a super computer, speaking the language of 4D fractal geometry. Complex Math is converted to geometry .
ABOVE:  Sri Yantra ( 8000 BC ) which contains the TOE is just a 2D plain geometry representation. The above Sri Yantra  “crop circle” in wet mud lake , was the FIRST to rock this planet. It was in USA Oregon and spotted by a National air guard plane from Idaho. The lines engraved were 13.3 miles long , 10 inches wide and 3 inches deep in soft mud , when measured. There were no footprints or tyre marks in the soft mud– unlike the quintessential corn crop circle which cannot record footprints. 
Sri Yantra which follows the Fibonacci series and the Golden ratio ( lifted from 7000 year old Vedic Mathematics ) is the mystical 3D holographic construct of the Cosmos by 9 VIRTUAL SPIRALLING VORTEX CONES — 4 pointing upwards and 5 pointing downwards, as a sort of ying-yang balance. 51 deg 49 min 38.25 sec are the angle measurements for both the Egyptian pyramids and Sri Yantra pyramid.  The ratio of the hypotenuse to half the base is phi, the Golden Ratio– or ‘divine proportion’, given by (1 + square-root 5)/2 (its value to five decimal places is 1.618033989 ).


Pinoline enables the threshold levels of DMT to become active in the brain, but it requires an instant bungee jump induced adrenaline burst.  DMT with Pinoline increases brain activation multi fold. The pineal gland produces Pinoline, ( 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC ) . 

Once you enter the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, minute amounts of this natural DMT psychedelic are released directly into your bloodstream—for you to dream and access aakashik records.


Pinoline also resonates with the very pulse of life 7.83 Hertz, the pulse the DNA uses to replicate, and which has been measured to be emitted from the brains and hands of all successful healers, regardless of belief or faith. OM Hindu king mantra is 7.843 hertz.

Pineal activation awakens normally latent neural pathways. Nerve fibers leave the pineal and make synaptic connections with other brain sites through traditional nerve-to-nerve connections, not just through endocrine secretions.
There is a lot we knew 10000 years ago , but has been lost to this this 21st century– right? You cant observe the quantum world without your Pineal gland — the other 5 senses have too narrow bandwidths.
Quantum physics has showed the ancient Indian Yogis were NOT mere dreamers of cosmic consciousness, where our bodies, our brain and its mind, as inextricably joined with other matter and the mega dipole of universe .
There is indeed a connection between consciousness and tangled state quantum phenomena.  The third world war will be won by Scalar Psychotronics or mass mind control– when in big brother will have you in a vice grip by your PG ( pineal gland ), not by your SC ( short curlies ).
Newtonian science requires OBJECTIVE proof verifiable by 5 human senses. Little did he know that these 5 bands are too narrow– rest being squelched to prevent man from breaking down. Western medicine treats man like a machine–looking for symptoms and a piece meal cure..
Newton backed Descartes in assuming that body and mind are two separate entities. Quantum physics have told the duo who had blinkers on for the macroscopic world, where to get off.  Quantum physics is based on the power of observation, and the mind is factored in. 

Tesla, Einstein, Heisenberg, Shrodinger etc were all familiar with the Indian Vedanta, which had known ” wave-particle duality” and ” power of human intention ” 10000 years ago– where the invisible outside the narrow band of 5 human senses , is part of reality .
Ancient Indian Maharishis had the ability to go on either isde of the narrow 5 bands of human senses.  By resonating their huge pineal glands with ther 12 strand DNA they could transcend the limitations of space time.

They firmly believed that the invisible below the quantum screen gives rise to the visible. Consciousness is about being self aware through observation ( double slit experiment ) and inner experience. While Newton tries to explain the invisible through the visible. There is no room for consciousness or morphogenetic fields in the dictionary of Darwin. 

Opposing forces Tamas and Rajas which give order to this cosmos , are connected through consciousness ( yin-yang ).  The middle prong of Shiva’s trident is Sattwa. It is about quantum possibility vortex vibrations, between two poles.. Together they express the great void at absolute peace with itself. 

Tamas and Rajas (yin-yang ) are conscious of each other.  

In Sanskrit, “kundalini” means “enlightenment,” . The cobra on Lord Shiva’s shoulders indicate released Kundalini. It is an internal light you experience when you awaken your third eye. The Vedic yogic tradition tells us that the proper way to activate the third eye is to balance two opposite energy channels in the body (ida and pingala) around your central vertical axis called the sushumna. This balance of opposites creates a third force that unites the opposites and awakens the third eye.

Amrit reveals the fractal nature of consciousness. Amrit is NOT external, it is produced naturally inside your head.  All you need to know is how to produce it by your own mind. You brain is an amazing pharmaceutical chemical factory, which produces organic medicines with NIL side effects.

To activate the third eye of Shiva, or to perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland ( soul ) and the pituitary glands ( body ) must vibrate in resonance to create a field. This is represented by Samudra manthan in Hindu mythology, where Mount Meru is used to churn the oceans for Amrit or Ambrosia in a to and fro movement , representing vibrations.. 

When you produce your own amrit, or when you consume Soma ( plant herbal drug not available any more), colours , sounds and numbers all show up as fractal geometry. What you have learnt in the past is of no use to you. As you breathe in the oxygen enters your brain and causes an explosion of fractal colours. 

To the spiritual eastern mind, the story of SAMUDRA MANTHAN produces amazing acts of faith like the Kumbh Mela , which has been going on for 6000 years. 
The amrit of the ambrosia or Soma is the holy grail.  This is what the Templar knights got after excavating King Solomon’s temple. Soma is a divine LSD– rather a million times more powerful DMT. A 12 strand Maharishi with NIL junk DNA can produce it naturally, by resonating his pineal gland with his DNA, and achieve telepathy and psychic teleportation.
The psychedelic journeys are accessed and experienced within the realms of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the Shiva lingam. Serotonin has the same chemical structure as this hallucinogenic substance Soma. Serotonin is transformed into melatonin only in the pineal gland. 


The name of the gentleman in the picture above is HRM or Hira Ratan Manek., a Jain from Calicut– my hometown.

He used to be a regular in  the same Rotary Club Swimming Pool of Calicut , where I go when I am on leave.  Often I could see him floating with his face up in the pool looking at the sun.

Once when I went to the pool after in got down form the ship, my friends told me that HRM is now world famous as he has gone to USA to show NASA , about the effect of sun gazing , and that he had gone for more than 400 days without food — surviving on water and sunlight.  Sungazing and going without food  is now called HRM effect on the Internet.

I retorted that this is nothing new. 


If you understand SURYA NAMASKAR which is done at dawn , as soon as the sun rises,   it is nothing but sun gazing while doing yoga.  This sun gazing thing is more than 11000 years old in India.

In fact Prahlad Jani an Indian, a  81 year old sun gazing sadhu who has  has lived without food and water for the last 70 years.  He has been a sadhu since the age of 7.   Since the past 4 decades this man has been living in a cave in Gujarat and is well known.  You can check him out on Wikipedia on the Internet.  
And there are thousands of unsung Indian yogis who do NOT care to convince the white man .  They comes out from their caves only during Kumbh Mela.  Why do we need to convince the white Christian man and get a certificate (with Vatican stamp) from him , when Quantum physics is lifted wholesale from 7000 year old Vedas ?  


Is not Einstein’s E=MC2 written in the Vedas? — that energy and matter is inter-convertible.? How many Indian Yogis throughout time have produced Vibhuti ( ash ) from their empty palms? ( the last one was Sai Baba ).

I would tell all Indians to punch into Google search–
 PROUD TO BE HINDU, PROUD TO BE INDIA- VADAKAYIL, –and check out how our ancient Vedic knowledge has been patented in the white man’s name.  Blatant shameless stealing , and patenting.

You must attribute inventions and discoveries to the FIRST source in the timeline and not the 101st thief  down the list.  If Tom has invented something , and later Dick , Prick and Harry has written about it too, with a 8000 year gap between Tom and Dick why should Harry’s wife get the credit?  You see Lynne McTaggart has made her moolah — NOT a single page in her book ( Intention experiment and The Field ) is original, all lifted from the Vedas –yet she will talk about everybody Hopis, Mayans, Incas, Egyptians etc without a single reference to Vedas, in her bullshit lifted books. 

The music notes SA RE GA MA PA DE NI  is written down in Indian Sanskrit tests in 5000 BC and we have ancient Hindu temples with huge hollow pillars which resonate to these notes when struck with a stick.  
Then comes along a white Christian invader who steals it and patents it in his name in the form of DO  RE  MI  FA  TO  LA  TI — what should we call him, a great soul or a petty thief ?
Punch into google search PERFECT SIX PACK – VADAKAYIL to find out how Italian Fibonacci stole his series and the golden mean of 1.618, and became a immortal world hero.

Surya namaskar can increase lymph flow 20 fold.  Two-thirds of the lymph is produces in the liver and intestines Because the lymphatic system is a closed pressure system and has one-way valves that keep lymph moving towards the heart.
 The entire lymphatic system is stimulated, thus strengthening your immune system..  The body twists while doing Surya Namaskar  help to shift  lymph fluids around your body in ways that you would not ordinarily be able to achieve in daily . The lymphatic system in your body is a series of connected nodes, ducts and organs that play a vital part in your immune system. 

The lymphatic system has vessels just like our circulatory system, but does not have a pump like the heart for the circulatory system . In order to clear the “lymph” (the clear extracellular fluid that is collected by the lymphatic vessels and filtered by the lymph nodes), the lymphatic system must be pumped manually. 
Lymph is a clear fluid that travels through your body’s arteries, circulates through your tissues to cleanse them and keep them firm, and then drains away through the separate lymphatic system.
 Lymph nodes are the filters along the lymphatic system.  Their job is to filter out and trap bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other unwanted substances, and to make sure they are safely eliminated from the body.

The main idea of doing Surya Namaskar is to do sun gazing. This is done when the altitude of the sun is low and the UV effect on the eyes is less.  Stop gazing directly at the sun when you feel uncomfortable and resume when you feel you can look again.  This timing must be built up day by day.  


When you do Surya Namaskar, you must be bare footed and  if possible be bare chested. Being bare chested increases the sex hormones.  Stillness or steadiness of the eyes is not required, and so you can blink . Do not wear any lenses or glasses while sungazing. Have the firm belief that the sunrays in our eyes are of immense benefit and will not harm you . As the days pass and you are able to look at the sun for more time, you will find find that you don’t eat too much .

Physical and mental diseases will start getting cured. Each day more energy blockages will be dissolved.  70 to 80% of the energy synthesized from food is taken by the brain and is used up in fueling tensions and worries. With a lack of mental stress, the brain does not require the same amount of energy as before. 


As you proceed in sun gazing and as your tensions decrease the need for food intake goes down. Hunger comes because of energy requirements of the body, which is a must for its existence. Food is not a necessity for the body to function, only energy is.

You develop a corona of energy around you. As this energy field becomes stronger, diseases don’t harm you. The sun is the force of all life, and staring at it can infuse the body with large amounts of energy. Sun gazing also has the added advantage of getting vitamin A and D during the 1-hour safe period window. 

When sunlight enters the brain, through your eyes , your good qualities come into appearance replacing negative ones. Eyes receive the entire spectrum of the sunlight while sungazing, which is distributed to the different parts of the body by the brain on a need per basis. Sungazing causes the secretion of “feel good” hormones serotonin beta-endorphins, and dopamine.
Hunger comes because of energy requirements of the body, which is a must for its existence. Food is not a necessity for the body to function, only energy is. . For many people, eating seems like a good solution when there’s nothing better to do.
Ancient Vedic scriptures tell us the quickest way to charge the bodies cells is by sungazing. Take away the sunlight and all life on earth would soon perish. Deprived of sunlight, man loses physical vigor and strength and will develop a disinclination for activity. Feed two animals the same diet but keep one in a dark closet and allow the other to be out in the sunshine. The animal that’s kept in the closet will be weak, stunted and die prematurely.

Fruits and plants have the ability to trap and store sun energy. We get our energy from eating fruits , veggies and plants.
Surya is one of the principal vedic deities. He is pictured as riding across the sky on a chariot pulled by seven horses.  Seven horses and the seven colors of light for each of the seven chakras. The pineal gland (third eye) is equipped with photoreceptor cells. 


The rays of the sun with seven VIBGYOR colors have a cure for all kinds of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,  obesity,  arthritis,  osteoporosis, cancer and others.  

During surya Namaskar, the pineal secretes not only DMT, but other peptides as well that have psychoactive effects.  Vitamin D directly from the sun, is an excellent healing agent.
Serotonin receptors are activated by DMT and serotonin receptors regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, pupil diameter. DMT is a small molecule and is a  brain food that is rapidly transported across the blood brain barrier.

In the picture above:  Infrared light is not visible to the human eye, it can be felt as heal. Far Infrared (FIR) penetrates below the skin and increases blood flow and improves white blood cell function. FIR light helps remove toxins from the body and speeds the healing of tissues. FIR increases the metabolic rate and stimulates the hypothalamus. Infrared lights to warm newborn infants in hospitals. Far infrared helps burn calories and reduce obesity. Improved blood flow to the lymph reduces inflammation. FIR can remove a wide variety of metals from the body, including lead, arsenic, mercury, copper, cadmium, urea, nicotine, and the residue of prescription drugs.

The amount of serotonin produced by the brain was directly linked to prevailing sunlight duration. A person low in Serotonin will be inclined to consume greater amounts of sugar in an attempt to increase Serotonin production and this may lead to sugar addiction. 
Sunlight exposure decreases adrenaline and noradrenalin levels, reducing their stressing effect, and releases endorphins, which promote the feeling of “well-being”. It also increases vitamin D level. The principal male hormone, testosterone, is known to be produced by the effect of sunlight on the skin.
Melatonin levels decreased in some of the blind patients when they were exposed to light, even though they couldn’t see that light. But when the researchers blindfolded these patients and then turned on the lights, melatonin levels did not drop. 
Those findings suggest that although their eyes could not sense light in the normal way, they still were somehow regulating the release of melatonin, providing absolute evidence that the eyes are involved in functions other than vision.


Sunlight has the highest ratio of near-infrared light at sunrise ( Surya Namaskar time ) when the ultraviolet and blue radiation are scattered while red and infrared are passing through the atmosphere. That’s why the sun is red at these moments, which are the best for improving the vision. 
Near-infrared wavelengths can boost the activity of mitochondria, the crucial powerhouses in cells. When the sun is high in the sky with plenty UV in the light, the eyelids act as filters, letting only the infrared light to reach the retina.
The Pineal Gland produces serotonin and is the richest site of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is responsable for the “Psychadelic Experience”. When you first start Surya Namaskar, you may get a  headaches due to increased levels of serotonin, induced by sun gazing. 
Serotonin is a potent vasoconstrictor and the headaches are the consequence of that. Blood exposed to infrared light had less blood cell aggregation (clumping together) which would free up more surface area of red blood cells to transfer nutrients and oxygen to tissues.
Surya Namaskar increases cardiovascular fitness.  This is a  a combined measure of a number of different parameters, such as resting pulse, rise of pulse after exertion, blood pressure lying and standing, rise in blood pressure after exertion, and time for pulse rate to return to normal after exertion. 
After sunbathing, lactic acid, the by-product of muscle metabolism that causes soreness and stiffness after strenuous exercise, is significantly reduced. Sunbathing also increases the ability of the lungs to absorb more vital oxygen, as well as the blood’s capacity to carry and deliver it. Oxygen deficiency has been readily linked to a host of illnesses and discomforts ranging from chronic fatigue to cancer.
Sunlight speeds up the clearance of toxins from the body several times. It catalyses digestion. Pathogenic bacteria is destroyed by sunlight. Before the advent of antibiotics people used sunbathing and sungazing.  Vitamin D of sunlight prevents colon cells from proliferating and prompts them to change into more mature cells which are less capable of becoming cancerous.  The same process occurs in breast, skin and prostate cells.
Exposure to natural sunlight increases the number of the white blood cells in the body. The main white blood cell increased the most is the lymphocyte. It is the lymphocyte that plays the leading role in defending the body in an invasion by bacteria and foreign organisms. 
Because the lymphocytes increase in number after a sunlight exposure, their products of defense, the antibodies like gamma globulins, also increase in the blood. This increase of lymphocytes and gamma globulins greatly increase a person’s ability to fight infections. 
The lymphocyte is also capable of producing a substance called interferon. This substance has the ability to stop the reproduction of viruses. The ultraviolet light in sunlight increases the enzymes that metabolize toxic chemicals and help to remove them. 
There are receptor sites for vitamin D on cancer cells that appears capable of converting human leukemia cells back into normal cells.Vitamin D produces a thirty percent improvement in body’s conservation of proteins. The ultraviolet rays from the sun convert skin oil to vitamin D. Sunlight lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood stream in humans .
Infertility is associated with low vitamin D. Vitamin D supports production of estrogen in men and women. PMS has been completely reversed by addition of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Menstrual migraine is associated with low levels of vitamin D and calcium.
The excess of melatonin cause alcoholism and whitens the skin. When melatonin was injected into rats turned them into alcoholics. People from northern countries have increased melatonin, during the winter time, due to the weak sunlight, and that’s the reason they have a particular preference for alcohol.. 
Melatonin is the first substance that has been shown to safely and effectively lower core body temperature in humans.  Women with a calcified pineal gland (associated with a low production of melatonin) have a significantly greater risk of developing breast cancer.  

Breast, prostate, skin and colon cancer have a strong association with low levels of D and lack of sunlight. All men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough and lack of vitamin D is a major cause. Men who live in colder climates have a higher incidence of prostate cancer because they get less sunlight.  Vitamin D inhibits the growth of new, undesirable blood vessels that tumors require for nutrient supply and growth.
The Sun may be regarded as a huge nuclear fusion reactor and hence a source of neutrinos. In order to detect these a detector has been built at the bottom of the Homestake mine in South Dakota.. The detector is full of industrial cleaning fluid since Chlorine 37 is converted to Argon by the occasional neutrino; measuring the Argon content gives a measure of the neutrino flux through the detector.
According to the Markandeya Puran, the Sun is the embodiment of Brahma, the world originates from the Sun and is established in it.   
The sun’s diameter  is 108 times that of the earth. The distance between the Earth and Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.   This is one of the the reasons that Hindu Rudraskha malas have 108 beads.

Has anybody ever wondered how ancient Indians knew this and recorded this 7000 years ago?  How did the ancient Indians know the 9 planets , and record their diameters?
The British made a big hue and cry when German Jew Sir Frederick William Herschel ( 1738-1822 ) “discovered ” Uranus on March 13th 1781 —  hi hi the stupid Indians never knew all this. .   First of all Hershel was given our Vedas by German Jew Rothschild.  
Indian Vedic astrology does NOT use Uranus (Shweta ) Neptune ( Shyama) Pluto ( Teevra )- as named in 7000 year old Vedas Vyasa Muni , just because they are too far away to affect your DNA and they stay in one single rashi for too long.
I have written a small account of the famous Rothschild sponsored Herschel grandfather- father-, son trio in my post ISAAC NETWON THE CALCULUS THIEF- VADAKAYIL

Anybody wants to ridicule the Vedas as shepherd’s verses any more?  

I listen to the evangelists of various religions preaching on cable TV daily for the past 2 decades —  

— how shallow!  

— full of mindless LOUD rhetoric 

( Truth and words of great value do not have to be screamed across or conveyed with chicanery like a slimy lawyer in a court room ! )

I am still waiting to hear a single intelligent talk !!

No wonder the world is coming back to Hinduism– it took this quantum age to understand 7000 year old shepherd’s verses , right?  These divine Vedic verses were handed over orally and learnt by heart from 11000 BC to 5000 BC.






It is about shifting internal frequency to match external frequency or vice-versa, to vibrate in harmony and unison.   It can hardly be uttered in a rosgolla sweet sound of Anuradha Paudval, or the super thin ” tum saamp mein sampera ” type voice of our old nightingale Lata Mangeshkar



The sign of OM is the sign of Hinduism.



OM is the first and foremost of all mantras. Mantra is the sound body of consciousness.



Unless you see a video of CYMATICS ( patterns of sand on a tonoscope ) you will never understand the power of mantras.



OM is considered as the sound of Cosmic Energy and contains all the sounds in itself. 



As per the Vedas OM is the sound of light.



The spiritual efficacy of Om is heard, not by the ears but by the heart . OM surcharges the innermost being of man with vibrations of the highest reality



The human ear can discern only a very narrow band between 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. The rest in inaudible. This is why NO cosmic sound can be heard by the human ear. These cosmic sounds were heard by rishis in their spiritual trances which broadened their sense spectrums.



However our brain can register the vibrations. Diviners use OM resonance to find water in arid areas. the spiritual efficacy of OM is NOT on the gross sound, but on the subtle sound which is heard by the heart and uttered by the mind.



Uttering of Om is identifying oneself with the cosmic resonance the efficacy of the mantricpower of Om emanates not only from its sound vibrations, but also from the inner attitude of the speaker– his spiritual purity and his freedom from worldliness. 



The earth vibrates at 7.83 Hz and so does OM. The primordal vibrations of atoms and molecules is thus represented by OM. When 2 vibrating systems are in resonance with each other, a rise in the amplitude of the waves take place.


In our case, the brain and the global electric circuit resonance leads to a rise in amplitude in the waves dancing in our brain. Rise in amplitude causes a rise in our consciousness energy.



Chanting OM produces a sonorous vibration like the buzz of a mighty transformer. The vibrations produce scalar waves which calms the mind. It produces an antigravity effect on water, due to the science of cymatics , and your body is mostly water. 

Th MMMM humming boosts the production of Nitric oxide in the body. This was known to Indians and documented 7000 years ago.



OM tone has a vibratory massage effect on your organs. The vibrations penetrate the deepest tissues and nerve cells, blood circulation round the body increases, bringing much more oxygen to different organs and the secretion of hormonal glands is also stimulated. 



OM vibration generates electro-magnetic waves which propagate throughout the body making you feel more dynamic and joyful. Most importantly, this amplifies your ability to visualize.



OM opens up quantum tunneling, where the wormholes do NOT have a restriction of speed of light. DNA is a superconductor that stores light at body temperature, and can create magnetic wormholes in ZPF .. Microtubules and axional membranes are also hollow cylinders.



Vedic rishis arrived at this tone more than 11000 years ago, (which we can calculate mathematically) , “simply” through intuition and meditation while identifying themselves with Cosmic resonance. Vedic civilisation flourished on the banks of the river saraswati from 9000BC to 4000BC.



The secrets of this universe are contained in energy , frequency and vibration.



Chanting OM raises your vibration to a higher consciousness, and it clears the channel for intuition.



From the conch OM sound comes. This is why all Vedic Hindu temples have it. The puja room in my house has 2 king sized conches. The sound it produces is awesome.




Every Mudra has to be preceded by OM. The Bible uses the corrupted version of AMEN, which does NOT resonate.



If you make the sound “Om” in front of a drop of liquid, it will transform itself into a sri yantra which is very specific visual form which is symmetrical and also holographic, in that every bit of it contains all of it. 



When you show the symbol of OM in the mirror it becomes 786–the holy number on every Koran.



Chanting OM stimulated your Vagus nerve which releases anti-ageing neuro-trasnsmitters.. It helps regenerate your organs and cells by activating stem cells.

Resonances of earth, ie, 7.83, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz of earth. 7.83 hz being the strongest of all, OM or Schumann frequency.

Ohm- 7.83 Hz
Gam – 14 Hz
Hleem – 20 Hz
Hreem – 26 Hz
Kleem – 33 Hz
Krowm – 39 Hz
Sreem – 45 Hz

The Christian AMEN and the Jewish SHALOM is nothing but a lift from the Hindu King Mantra OM.   OM releases Nitric Oxide– Amen and Shalom does nothing.

Italian Fibonacci of 1200 AD is given the credit of the Golden ratio, while the Indian Sri Yantra ( which contains the TOE ) based on Golden ratio of 1.618 was drawn in 8000 BC –see video below.

Opposing forces Tamas and Rajas are connected through consciousness ( yin-yang ).  The middle prong of Shiva’s trident is Sattwa. It is about quantum possibility vortex vibrations, between two poles, we call the cosmic dance of Shiva from either side of the Quantum screen… Together they express the great void at absolute peace with itself. To activate the third eye of Shiva, or to perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland ( soul ) and the pituitary glands ( body ) must vibrate in resonance to create a field. This is represented by Samudra manthan in Hindu mythology, where mount meru is used to churn the oceans for Amrit or Ambrosia in a to and fro movement , representing vibrations.. The amrit of the ambrosia or Soma is the holy grail.  This is what the Templar knights got after excavating King Solomon’s temple. Soma is a divine LSD– rather a million times more powerful DMT. A 12 strand Maharishi with NIL junk DNA can produce it naturally, by resonating his pineal gland with his DNA, and achieve telepathy and psychic teleportation. The psychedelic journeys are accessed and experienced within the realms of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the Shiva lingam. Serotonin has the same chemical structure as this hallucinogenic substance Soma. Serotonin is transformed into melatonin only in the pineal gland. Decline in melatonin is the trigger for the aging process, for Melatonin is the super-oxidant of nature. The hormone Melatonin, induces sleep, while Serotonin, keeps you happy and in a balanced mental state of mind. PROZAC raises serotonin. The pineal gland produces Pinoline, ( 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC ) . Pinoline also resonates with the very pulse of life 7.83 Hertz, the pulse the DNA uses to replicate, and which has been measured to be emitted from the brains and hands of all successful healers, regardless of belief or faith. OM king mantra is 7.843 hertz. Resonance can vibrate the pineal gland, to release Nuerotransmitter seratonin, melatonin, DMT, etc.  If you have a strong enough sense of consciousness you will taste a huge pituitary release in the back of your mouth and sinuses and throat, it is referred to as ambrosia ( amrit — mental orgasm discharge ) . This is a result of DMT production . DMT is the spirit molecule that bends space-time. Pineal DMT is the chemical messenger which links body and spirit. Dimethyltryptamine, a psychedelic tryptamine Pinoline enables the threshold levels of DMT to become active in the brain, but it requires an instant bungee jump induced adrenaline burst.  DMT with Pinoline increases brain activation multi fold. You cant observe the quantum world without your Pineal gland — the other 5 senses have too narrow bandwidths. Quantum physics has showed the ancient Indian Yogis were NOT mere dreamers of cosmic consciousness, where our bodies, our brain and its mind, as inextricably joined with other matter and the mega dipole of universe . There is indeed a connection between consciousness and tangled state quantum phenomena Indian Vedic maharishis had the inherent ability to go on either side of the narrow band of five human senses. THEY COULD TRANSCEND THE SENSES AND LIMITATION OF SPACE-TIME. They firmly believed that the invisible below the quantum screen gives rise to the visible. At the time of death Seratonin and Melatonin in the brain breaks down to Dimethyltryptamine or DMT, C12 N2 H16, just after the oxygen stops circulating. This is the moment for the ultimate DMT trip. You see your whole past life as FRACTAL dvine geometry. When you consume Soma, colours , sounds and numbers all show up as fractal geometry. What you have learnt in the past is of no use to you. As you breathe in the oxygen enters your brain and causes an explosion of fractal colours. To the spiritual eastern mind, the story of SAMUDRA MANTHAN produces amazing acts of faith like the Kumbh Mela , which has been going on for 6000 years. Tamas and Rajas are conscious of each other. Amrit reveals the fractal nature of consciousness. Amrit is NOT external, it is produced inside your head.  All you need to know is how to produce it by your own mind. 12 strand DNA which ancient Maharishis had, has now degraded to 2 strand DNA. These 12 strand DNA maharishis with raised Kundalinis , can read akashik records , convert them from fractal geometry, for daily life use. The cobra on Lord Shiva ‘s shoulders shows raised Kundalini and open third eye. This self realisation (of opening the third eye) , is the ultimate goal of consciousness. The timeless spiritual wisdom of the of the 7000 year old Vedas will roar to life after Dec 21st 2012- the veil of Maya or delusion over the third eye will be ripped asunder—as the first step towards upgrading the 2 strand 97% junk DNA to 12 strand nil junk DNA.. — Capt Ajit Vadakayil.



Friday, October 4, 2013


Both Sesame seed and Darbha ( Kusa ) grass emanated from the body of Lord Vishnu.  For Hindus Sesame seed is hence a divine seed.
As per Garuda Purana , an offering  of Sesame seeds to ancestors (shraddha) prevents negative energies from posing obstacles in the homam rites.
Above : Garuda is the conscious Vimana or vehicle of Lord Vishnu.  It could assume terrifying proportions and could block out the sun.
During Samudra manthan , the fibres flaked off the back of the giant tortoise by Mount Meru got mixed with Amrit drops and was swept ashore , from which Darbha grass grew.
Every Hindu knows that while doing Shradda for dead ancestors he has to sit of Darbha grass and also put a ring of this grass on his right hand 4th finger on which he pours holy water into the earthen pot holding the cremated bone fragments..
During Samudra Manthan Lord Vishnu’s sweat fell on the ground and this became Til or Sesame seeds.
Sesame seed oil , Coconut oil and ghee of vedic humped cows ( A2 milk ) are the only oils used by 6000 year old Ayurveda.
Sesame seed is mentioned as a seed of immortality in our Vedas written in Sanskrit 7000 years ago.
Sesame seeds first appeared in India , and then it spread over the rest of the world.  Even today India is the largest exporter of Sesame seeds.
Ancient Indian medical texts expound the use of Sesame seeds.
Punch into Google search-
Ancient Indian soldiers used to carry a pouch of Sesame seeds as military rations.
During Makara Sankranti all lamps in Hindu houses and temples are lit using sesame oil.
Last week the world’s largest restaurant franchise chain, McDonald’s made a monumental announcement regarding its hamburger buns to save 14 million USD per year..
Above : On an average there were 180 sesame seeds on a Big Mac .

The fast food giant will soon be eliminating the sesame seeds from its Big Macs and also from all of its other hamburger buns.

They had received compalints from customers reporting sesame seeds getting caught in their teeth and dentures.
These seame seeds was the only good thing in the burger—whose lettuce and veggies were GM and grown using pesticides on chemical fertilizer laden fields.  The cheese slice inside is made of toxic A1 humpless cow milk.  The beef inside is hormone and enzyme injected meat.
Sesame seed has  very high oil content.  The crop survives drought as well as presence of excess water and requires very little care.
Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy        2,372 kJ (567 kcal)
Protein       16.96 g
Calcium      131 mg (13%)
Iron            7.78 mg (60%)
Magnesium      346 mg (97%)
Phosphorus      774 mg (111%)
Potassium        406 mg (9%)
Sodium            39 mg (3%)
Zinc           7.16 mg (75%)
Vegetarians must note the high amount of protein in Sesame seed.

As far as dynamics of essential minerals like calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium are concerned –

Punch into google search-

One cup of natural sesame seeds has 1404  milligrams of calcium good for bone health , while one cup of  whole milk has only 291 milligrams of calcium.
In addition to promoting healthy skin, zinc has also been shown to boost bone mineral density and bone health as a whole.  There is a correlation between zinc deficiency and osteoporosis in the hip and spine area.  The high amounts of magnesium and zinc present in the seed help in strengthening  blood circulation and neural impulses.

Sesame seeds are a naturally rich source of phytosterols  ( 410 mg per 100 gms ).   They have the  ability to help lower your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol levels.   Normally, cholesterol ,  both from your food and liver is absorbed through the small intestine and circulates into the bloodstream. Phytosterols, however, are minimally absorbed from the small intestine, so they do not enter into the bloodstream and are instead excreted out of the body.

Sesame seeds contain 18% Selenium which is an antioxidant. Antioxidants protect cells from damage.  Sesame seeds prevent the onset of Prostrate cancer.  Selenium is a trace mineral and a vital nutrient to fight against cancer and heart diseases.  This is important for metabolic functions and proper cell functioning in the spleen, pancreas kidneys, liver, and testes.
Selenium is also required by the skin for healing burn injuries and other skin conditions. Selenium in the diet can lower heart disease. Selenium can reduce oxidation of cholesterol and clotting of blood. Selenium has the antioxidants useful in sperm formation and thus, it boosts the sperm’s mobility. This increases the sperm’s chances in fertilizing the egg.
It also reduces birth defects in infants.  Selenium boosts glucose and regulates metabolic processes. Selenium helps to maintain thyroid related hormones.
Selenium helps to fight free radical cells. It forms antioxidants in the body to fight free radicals which damage cells and lead to aging.  Selenium is considered a natural method to cure and get rid of acne.
Selenium increases the strength of the immune system. Selenium boosts the efficiency of white blood cells and thus, helps our bodies to remain healthy and virus free. Infections and viruses can cause cold and flu, diarrhoea, sneezing, etc.
Selenium boosts hair growth and reduces dandruff.  Selenium is included in many anti-dandruff shampoos to fight against dandruff. Selenium can utilize foods that contain protein and boost growth of hair.   Zinc and selenium are advised by doctors for hair loss. This helps in proper functioning of hormones and increased growth of hair. They can be used to treat many hair problems as gray hair, hair loss, dandruff, etc.
Selenium is an anti-inflammatory agent.  Combining selenium with vitamin E can cure chronic conditions like psoriasis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and eczema.
Sesame seeds contain 45% Manganese.  Manganese helps maintain bone density and thus prevent fractures, osteoporosis and spinal bone loss in women after menopause.  It helps to form glucosamine, required for bone cartilage and lubricating fluid in joints and thus joint mobility.
Manganese helps to nourish brain cells and the nerves. It helps transmission of electrical signal in body and thus proper coordination of brain, nerves and muscles. Studies have shown that epilepsy or seizure disorder are associated with low manganese levels in blood and thus can be treated with manganese supplements.
Manganese participate in production of sex hormones and maintaining reproductive health. It is involved in normal reproductive and function of mammary glands. Reproductive function in manganese deficient patients is characterized  by defective ovulation, ovarian and testicular degeneration, and increased infant mortality.
Manganese is an anti-oxidant and helps remove free radicals from body.  Significant health benefits of manganese have been found for women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome. It reduces cramps, mood swings and other PMS symptoms in women.Manganese is crucial for treating blood sugar and insulin issues.
Manganese improves thyroid function and any deficiency may result in hypothyroidism. Manganese deficiency causes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, skin rash, high blood sugar or bone loss. Prolonged deficiency of manganese may cause retarded growth, digestive disorders, abnormal bone development and deformities, sterility and sexual impotence in men.
The zinc ( 19% ) in sesame seeds promotes bone health and prevents osteoporosis later in life. Zinc is  good for sexual health  and it can help testosterone and sperm production in men.
Sesame seeds contain Tryptophan(38%).  During the processing of protein, the body creates serotonin which helps to regulate appetite and mood.  When the body makes serotonin, some of it is converted to melatonin, which helps to normalize sleep patterns.
Disorders such as deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are caused by low levels of serotonin in the brain.
Oleic acid is a mono-unsaturated fatty acid present in the sesame seeds. This heart healthy mono-unsaturated fatty acid will lower your LDL, increase HLD or good cholesterol. Therefore, it will support your heart and will also save it from arteriosclerosis and strokes.
Oleic acid is one of the better fats for humans to consume. It can lower total cholesterol levels by raising blood concentrations of high-density lipoproteins while reducing low-density lipoproteins, also known as the “bad” cholesterol.  It has been shown to slow the development of heart disease and also promotes the production of antioxidants, elements that can help trap harmful free radicals in the body.
The acid is often able to penetrate past the outer skin layer, which leads to a much longer-lasting and more intense moisture. While standard lotions and creams may simply sit on the top of the skin, those made with omega-9 fatty acids typically go much deeper.
Most bee and ant species secrete the acid as a pheromone, which is a type of hormone that is detected by smell. When they die, their corpses tend to emit high levels of this pheromone, possibly as a warning to others. If the insect died because of something it ate or some other danger in the area, the acid’s smell will serve as a warning to others to stay away.
It may also be a signal for colony members to come and collect the corpse, a common practice in species that perform group rituals for fallen members. Probably this is why Sesame seed is included in the Pindam rice balls for dead ancestor rites. The moment you clap your hands the raven crows come in droves.
Oleic acid is an omega nine fatty acid and it has the ability of lowering the blood pressure, decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood.  The molecules of the oleic acid are larger than most other molecules so they do not bond with them that easily which means that oleic acid may come in very handy when it comes to improving the blood flow and preventing the formation of the plaque in the arteries.  Since it deals with the low density cholesterol in the high density cholesterol it is very good at improving one’s overall quality of health. Oleic acid is also known for its potent antioxidant properties.
Oleic acid is very efficient in strengthening the cell membrane integrity, boosting the power of memory, optimizing the functioning of the brain, improving the functions of the heart, aiding the circulatory system, reducing all symptoms commonly related to arthritis, boosting the energy, aiding the weight loss, relieving the symptoms of asthma, reducing the insulin resistance, moisturizing the skin and strengthening the hair.  It also prevents heart failure,  cancer, angina pectoris,
atheroscletosis, high blood pressure and stroke.
Sesame seeds contain Thiamin B1 which the muscle tone along the walls of the digestive tract and promotes the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.  It also improves the body’s ability to withstand stress and is often called the “anti-stress” vitamin.

Some of the early symptoms of Thiamin B1 deficiency includes lethargy, loss of memory, loss of sleep or appetite, indigestion or constipation, and calf muscle tenderness.  If left untreated these initial symptoms might lead to a more severe form of thiamin deficiency, known as Beriberi.  This condition is characterized by nerve, heart, and brain abnormalities.

Vitamin B1 helps in many important bodily functions and its benefits include the following–
Sugar is the principal source of energy in our body where it is oxidized to form a usable form of energy due to the presence of vitamin B1. It is part of a complex enzyme system called the pyruvate dehydrogenase system, which helps in the oxidation of sugar. Vitamin B1 is required for the functioning of this enzyme system, which releases energy for a variety of normal functions in the body.
Vitamin B1 helps in the proper development of myelin sheaths around nerves. A deficiency of Vitamin B1 might result in the degeneration of these coverings, which can result in nerve death and damage.
This vitamin helps in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is used to relay messages between the nerves and muscles and to ensure proper cardiac function. Vitamin B1 deficiency can therefore result in irregular cardiac functions. People suffering from congestive heart failure, when given vitamin B1 intravenously for seven days, showed considerable improvements in their echocardiograms, which proves that vitamin B1 can prevent heart disease.
When used along with other essential nutrients, Vitamin B1 can  prevent the occurrence of cataracts.
Vitamin B1 works as a powerful antioxidant, which helps you protect your body from the signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots, and other age-related conditions that regularly affect the organ systems. This vitamin also helps in the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which is essential for the complete digestion of food particles.
Vitamin B1 is slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, which in turn keeps people healthy, active, and energized. Vitamin B1 can fend off the deficiencies caused by cirrhosis, infections, hyperthyroidism, and the other effects of alcoholism. This vitamin can also significantly mental alertness.
Sesame seeds control morbid obesity.
Lecithin found in sesame is beneficial for the brain and also for the optic nerves.
Sesamol, a compound found in sesame seeds protects the DNA from radiation damage.
Sesame seeds are rich in fiber, which is known to pave way for a healthy digestive system, a healthy colon, and to prevent constipation.
Magnesium in sesame seeds prevent asthma by and other respiratory disorders by preventing airway spasms.
Copper in sesame seeds reduce pain and swelling associated with arthritis.  Additionally, this mineral helps provide strength to blood vessels, bones, and joints.
Sesame seeds are good for-
Reducing stress
Promoting bone health
Strengthening  hair
Lowering blood pressure and reduces artery plaque
Preventing cancer
Preventing premature ageing
Preventing insomnia in babies where oil is used for massage
Iron deficiency anemia
Promoting healthy skin
Helps prevent headaches and migraines
Preventing diabetes
Lowering bad cholesterol LDL and raising good cholesterol HDL in the blood (highest amount of phytosterols)
Boosting oral health: preventing cavities, removing dental plaque
Detoxifying the body
Reduces PMS symptoms  during the luteal phase (the second half) of the menstrual cycle
Reduces depression and anxiety
Intestinal parasites
Lactation disorders
Severity of hangovers after an alcohol session.
It has lot of iron which is recommended for people who have anemia or weakness, black sesame contains more iron than white sesame.  It contains amino acids, essential for the proper functioning of the central nervous system.
Sesame oil is NOT prone to rancidity. It is stable with long shelf life.   Sesame seed oil is rich in Omega 6 fatty acids
The sesame seeds have folic acid, which is good for pregnant mothers. Folic acid is essential in the proper DNA synthesis in growing foetuses .
It help prevent the bone loss that can occur as a result of rheumatoid arthritis.
Sesame is beneficial for the teeth and strengthens them.  Take a teaspoon of sesame and chew it slowly.
Sesame oil removed  dandruff.  Massage the scalp with sesame oil for 30 minutes and cover the head with a hot towel (soaked in hot water and squeezed).  Repeat this for five minutes.  Dandruff is removed within few days.
In Kerala we have “Ellunda” with evening tea.  It is good for children who wet their beds frequently.
Ingredients needed to prepare Ellunda
1/2 kilo Sesame Seeds / Ellu
200 grams Jaggery
1 tsp cardamom seeds powdered
2 tbsps water
How to prepare Sesame / Ellu  for the Ellunda
Take a thick bottomed fry pan.
Add cleaned sesame seeds and roast them till they start to burst. Remove and keep aside.
How to prepare  Jaggery syrup?
Take a sauce pan, add pieces of jaggery with 2 tbsps of water.
Stir till the jaggery melts and starts boiling.
Once it forms a syrup remove from fire.
The consistency of the syrup should be a soft ball one, that is while the jaggery is boiling, put in a drop or two in a glass of water.
The melted jaggery should shape like a ball when you shape it with your fingers.
This soft ball consistency will be the right one for preparing the sesame balls / Ellunda.
How to prepare Ellunda?
Mix in the Sesame seeds to the boiling jaggery.
Remove the sesame seeds and  jaggery from the flame and let cool.
When it is cool enough to shape it into balls, apply a little ghee on to your palms and then shape them in to round balls.
Add sesame oil and turmeric powder in milk and heat it slightly, apply this paste on the face everyday regularly. This makes the skin smooth and soft and also removes pimples.
In case of arthritis, add ginger juice in sesame oil and boil till ginger juice burns out completely. Sieve the remaining oil and store it in a bottle. Massage the painful area with this oil.
In case of psoriasis and boils on scalp take sesame oil and add neem leaves juice, cook it on low flame.  When the rasa burns out and the oil remains, sieve it and store it.  Apply this oil where you are affected.
Store the dew drops found on the white sesame flowers. Pour two to three drops of these drops in the eye. This cures eye inflammation and itching .
In ayurvedic practices, oil pulling is a daily method of detox . You basically swish your mouth with one table spoon sesame oil ( for 10 minutes ) and allow it to pull out the toxic waste in your body. Oil pulling with sesame oil has many health benefits including:
Releasing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites from the body
Reducing heavy metals in the blood stream
Improving the health of receding gum tissue.
Whitening teeth
Encouraging the blood and lymphatic systems to cleanse by stimulating the production of saliva
Make sure you spit out the oil .  Rinse the mouth with warm water and spit that out too.
A Sesame seed sweet concoction was compulsory for me in my childhood. About twenty herbs went into that, which made it good for the brain.
Upon ripening, sesame fruit pods split, releasing the seeds with a pop.  This is the phrase “Open Sesame” (  iftah ya simsim )    in the historic fable of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves in One Thousand and One Nights.  The splitting of the pod releases the treasure of sesame seeds.   Simsim was the NE African word for Sesame.
Virgin Coconut oil and cold pressed Sesame oil are used for lymph node Ayurvedic massage.  Hindu families  since time immemorial massage their babies with cold pressed Sesame oil or virgin coconut oil before bath and leave them under sunlight for few minutes allowing the body to absorb vitamin D and nourish the skin cells naturally.
The oil penetrates into the skin quickly.  There is NO danger from UV rays of sun as Sesame oil provides protection as it has natural sunscreen properties.  Used on baby skin, particularly in the area covered by a diaper, Sesame seed oil will protect the tender skin against rash caused by the acidity of body wastes.
 The presence of vitamin E and zinc in this oil helps in augmenting the elasticity of the skin; repairs damaged skin cells and promote the production of collagen.
Punch into Google search-
Sesamin and Phytate, in Sesame, is known to inhibit the development of different types of cancer cells, including:
Colon Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Lung Cancer
Multiple Myeloma
Pancreatic Cancer
Certain strong antibiotics used in treatment of several bacterial infections, can cause severe kidney problems, and Sesame seed protects the kidney.
In Ayurveda Nasya or nasal cleansing is done as part of Panchakarma therapy.  Sesame oils infused with medicinal herbs is administered through the nostrils.  This aids in removing the toxins from the body, alleviate stress, sinusitis, allergies and headaches.
Used as a douche mixed with warm water, Sesame oil controls vaginal yeast Infections.
Now, you get the drift why Sesame seed is called the sweat drop of Lord Vishnu?

Grace and peace !

You see plenty of music concerts , right? — how many in the audience had a smile on their faces OR were in ecstasy ?


Monday, September 30, 2013


Our vedic dieties like Lord Ganesha, Kubera, Bhudevi ( mother of Sita ) hold it when in the multi armed format.
Above: Gold of wealth and prosperity Kubera .
Why pomegranate?
Because it is given the status of a DIVINE FRUIT in Ayurveda and the Vedas.
Above : Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva  is also known as the Bijapuraphalasakta, the one fond of the many-seeded pomegranate fruit.
Divine fruit , because it follows the Fibonaccis series and the Golden mean.
Fibonacci is an Italian thief who stole Indian knowledge and patented it in his name.
Punch into Google search-
The golden mean ratio of 1.618 was known to Indians in hoary antiquity.
Punch into Google search-
Modern science has NOT yet woken up to the benefits of pomegranate , which is written in our Sanskrit texts in 5000 BC.
Ayurveda used pomegranate to prevent as well as cure.
Punch into Google search-
Pomegranate spread from India outwards.  In 7000 BC Emperor Vikramaditya ruled from Jerusalem to Urals to Vietnam.
Since this fruit requires dry soil, the main source of pomegranate in ancient times used to be Afghanistan, which was part of India.  Pomegranates are drought-tolerant. In wet  areas, they can be prone to root decay from fungal diseases. They are tolerant to cold temperatures as low as -13 deg C.
Queen Gandhari of Mahabharata 4000 BC, was born in Kandahar, which is today an Islamic bastion.
The flowers, leaves, bark, peel and the seeds of pomegranate are all edible and have potent medicinal qualities.
The Vedas of 5000 BC , considers pomegranate is as a symbol of fertility and prosperity.  Pomegranate along with coconut is an auspicious item in Indian Hindu weddings.
Take it from Capt Ajit Vadakayil that pomegranate was the ‘original forbidden fruit’ in the garden of Eden.   A large, dry pomegranate was found in the tomb of Djehuty, the butler of Queen Hatshepsut in Egypt, and it went from India.   3000 years ago King Solomon designed his coronet based on the pomegranate’s “crown”./
Pomegranate is the most powerful anti-oxidant of all fruits which  protects against damaging free radicals.
In Kerala, we still prefer to use the rind of this fruit to cure us of diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal parasites, over modern western medicine.  The peels or rind of pomegranate are astringent and bitter in taste.  Matalam peels or pomegranate peels left to dry in the sun, are a common sight in any Kerala home.
Pomegranate gives good Calcium, Magnesium , Potassium , Zinc , Vitamic C , Phosphorus and dietary fibre.
Punch into Google search-
The health benefits of phosphorous include healthy bone formation, improved digestion, regulated excretion, protein formation, hormonal balance, improved energy extraction, cellular repair, optimized chemical reactions, and proper nutrient utilization.
Let me list out the benefits of consuming pomegranate as per 6000 year old Ayurveda :—
Pomegranate juice is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial , to fight viruses and bacteria .
Boosts the immunity system and has the highest potential among fruits to inhibit the transmission of HIV.  Its high content of anti- oxidants stimulate the white blood cells to neutralize toxins in the body .
Lowers  bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesterol (HDL) levels.
Lowers  high blood pressure.
Prevents formation of plaque in the arteries.
Prevents heart attacks .  It  keeps the blood from coagulating and forming blood clots. It even acts as a blood thinner allowing for an unrestricted flow of blood through the body.
Prevents prostate cancer.
Prevents kidney problems. It is good for people who are on modern dialysis.
Prevents hormone dependent breast cancer in women by blocking certain enzymes.
Corrective effect on erectile dysfunction due to its powerful anti-oxidant properties. It is a  natural aphrodisiac and improves sperm count and semen quality. ( AAHA pomegranate kidhar hai? Leke aao !)
Strengthens  hair follicles and thus prevents hair fall, and also gives hair a lustrous appearance.
Helps in the regeneration of cells in the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin and thus  hastens the process of healing of wounds.
Pomegranate juice application on oily skin prevents the outbreak of pimples and controls the production of sebum.  It slows down the process of ageing by reducing wrinkles on the face caused by constant exposure to sun.  It regenerates the skin cells and prevent hyper pigmentation.
Pomegranate juice aids in the smooth functioning of the stomach, heart and liver. It is a good appetizer and can control thirst.
It prevents anemia caused by the deficiency of red blood cells in the body as it contains a good amount of iron. Pomegranate seed extract supplies iron to blood and thus, help to decrease the anemic symptoms including fatigue  and hear loss.
Soothes the stomach, and has  a vital role in the secretion of enzymes which aids proper digestion.
Prevents breast cancer in women.
Diabetics can have this juice as it does not elevate the blood sugar level as other fruit juices do.
Reduces dental plaque.
Pomegranate seed extract prevents Alzheimer’s disease .
Prevents PMS depression in women .
Pomegranate juice used as eyedrops prevents the development of cataracts.
Decoction made by boiling pomegranate peels are used  for gargling in case of sore throat and tonsillitis.
Roasted and powdered pomegranate skin can be mixed with  lime juice and applied  for soothing pimples, and for removing  black heads.
Good to prevent nausea and vomiting.
The flower juice, rind and tree bark aid in stopping nose and gum bleeds.
Boiling the tree root will help  kill worms and parasites.
Roast the peel  until it is dark brown and brittle. Crush into powder and mix with a little coconut oil apply over the anus to prevent anal itching .

Water boiled with pomegranate leaves strengthens the receding gums.
Mix the powder above with pepper to prevent dental decay.
Prevents morbid obesity.
Pomegranate juice increases memory power .
It is recommended that the pomegranate be consumed with along its seeds. Punicic acid is an omega-5 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid found in pomegranate seed which has cancer preventive actions.


What is importance of ‘offering a sari’ for the Goddess?


What is importance of ‘offering a sari’ for the Goddess?


'Oti bharane' - Offering a sari and a blouse-piece to Godess 
‘Oti bharane’ – Offering a sari and a blouse-piece to Godess



1. What is the importance of performing ‘Oti bharane’ in Goddess worship ?

         Invariably offering Her a sari and a blouse-piece concludes the ritualistic worship of a Goddess. Offering this to a Goddess is akin to praying to Her attributeless form to work for one’s spiritual progress and welfare through the medium of ‘with attribute’ form. Panchopachar puja (worship by 5 characteristic sub-rituals) in any ritualistic worship is related to the attributeless form of God. The prayer to the Goddess to become functional, with the offering of a sari and a blouse piece helps the attributeless form of the Goddess to manifest in ‘with attribute’ form in the sari and the blouse-piece.


Note : Ritual of ‘offering a sari and a blouse-piece’ is called as ‘Oti bharane’.



2. The correct method of ‘Oti bharane’ while worshipping a Goddess

A. The sari offered to the Goddess should preferably be made of cotton or silk fabric, because when compared to other fabrics, these fabrics have a better capacity to attract and retain the sattvik frequencies emanating from the Goddess.


B. Stand in front of the Goddess holding the sari with open palms, at chest level; place the blouse-piece on top of the sari and then a coconut and some rice grains over the blouse piece. The tuft at one end of the coconut should be towards the Goddess.


C. Pray with utmost bhav (spiritual emotion) to the Goddess to bless you with chaitanya and for your spiritual progress. This helps manifest the ‘with attribute’ Goddess principle.


D. After offering all the ingredients of ‘Oti’ at the feet of the Goddess, offer some rice grains on them.


E. If possible, the lady offering the ‘Oti’ (only a married lady is permitted to offer an ‘Oti’ to a Goddess) should wear the sari offered to the Goddess as prasad (holy sacrament) and partake of the coconut too as prasad.



3. The process in performing the ritual of ‘Oti bharane’ and its merits

A. The Goddess principle is attracted towards the tuft of the coconut. The coconut helps the principle permeate into the sari and the blouse-piece. Consequently the frequencies emanating from the tuft of the coconut form a protective sheath around the body of the embodied soul performing the worship.


B. Through the cloth, with the help of absolute Earth element, frequencies with sattva attribute get transmitted. These frequencies along with the help of absolute Water element present in coconut water, gain momentum and become functional. As a result a protective sheath of these frequencies is formed around the body of the embodied soul performing the worship. Similarly, the sattvik waves which permeate the sari and the blouse-piece help in purifying the prandeha (vital body) & the pranmayakosh (vital sheath) of the embodied soul.


C. The posture of standing while holding the palms together at the chest level helps in activating the chandranadi (the subtle lunar channel). It also helps in increasing the particles of the sattva attribute in the manomaya kosh (mental sheath), resulting in mental peace. This posture is very helpful in the embodied soul surrendering to the Goddess. The sattva-laden frequencies emanating from the Goddess enter and spread into the body of the embodied soul through his palms. This in turn results in activation of the anahat chakra (the energy centre at the level of chest) and helps in awakening the bhav of the embodied soul towards the Goddess. It further helps in purification of the gross and subtle bodies of the embodied soul. When bhav of a embodied soul towards the Goddess is high, it helps in longer retention of the sattva attribute gained from the ritualistic worship.


– (Pujya) Mrs. Anjali Gadgil



4. What is the benefit in specific colour selection of the sari and blouse-piece offered to the Goddess?

         The objective of offering a specific object to a specific Deity has been explained earlier. Similarly, offering a specific colour sari and a blouse-piece that attracts the Goddess principle the most in least time, helps activate the principle of that Goddess for the embodied soul. The table ahead gives the names of the Goddess and the colour that attracts Its principle in the least time.


Goddess Color %
(Tarak + Marak)

1. Shri Durga

None + Red 100%

2. Shri Mahalaxmi

Orange 40% + Red 60%

3. Shri Laxmi

Yellow 60% + Red 40%

4. Shri Mahasaraswati

White 60% + Red 40%

5. Shri Saraswati

White 100% + None

6. Shri Mahakali

Purple 80% + Red 20%

7. Shri Kali

Purple 100% + None


Note 1 : In this table, if the Incarnation of the Goddess is related to only one principle, then only one colour is given. If the Incarnation is related to two different principles, two colours attracting both are given. E.g. Shri Durgadevi is related to the destroyer (Marak) principle, hence the colour related to that principle i.e. only the red colour is mentioned against Her name.



5. Why is it beneficial to offer, a nine yard sari instead of a five yard one to a Goddess ?

         When an embodied soul with bhav towards a Goddess, doing spiritual practice according to the Path of Guru’s Grace offers oti the colour of the sari does not matter because anyway she derives the expected benefit because of her high level of bhav. However seekers at the primary level or those doing spiritual practice according to the Path of Action should perform each and every ritual according to the prescribed scriptural rules. Hence they should offer a nine yard sari to the Goddess instead of a five yard one. Offering a nine yard sari to a Goddess represents the functioning of the Goddess through Her nine forms, as per the requirement of the devotee. The number ‘nine’ represents the nine main forms or incarnations of Shri Durgadevi. The nine yards (levels) of the sari represent Her nine incarnations carrying out Her mission. Offering a nine yard sari thus implies invoking the basic unmanifest Divine Energy which encompasses all the manifest forms of the Goddess, that is Shri Durgadevi, to manifest in all Her nine forms to perform the required mission. – (Pujya) Mrs. Anjali Gadgil



6. Why is the khann offered to a Goddess folded as a triangle?

         ‘The triangle is related to the Energy of will of Brahma from the trinity of Devta viz. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. The frequencies of Energy of will from the universe follow a triangular path moving from right to left. Offering a khann wrapped in a triangular fashion implies strengthening of the Energy of will and seeking the grace of the Primal energy, Shri Durgadevi with the intention of making spiritual progress. This ritual results in activating the Energy of will of the Primal energy that showers devotee with blessings.’ – (Pujya) Mrs. Anjali Gadgil – How to worship the Goddess during Navratri ? – Navaratra

Standard – How to worship the Goddess during Navratri ? – Navaratra.

How to worship the Goddess during Navratri ?


Shri Durgadevi


1. Ghatasthapana

2. Lighting of Akhand deep

3. Establishing Goddess Ashtabhuja and Navarnav Yantra

4. Malabandhan

5. Kumarika pujan (Ritualistic worship of virgins)

5.1 How is the ritual of Kumarika pujan performed?

5.2 Significance and science underlying the worship of kumarika

6. Offering Naivedya (consecrated food) to the Goddess all the nine days

7. Playing ‘Garba’ (a dance form) during Navratri

7.1 What is the significance of playing ‘Garba’?

7.2 While playing Garba should one use a rhythm of two claps or three claps?

8. Performing the Lalita Pujan on the fifth day of Navratri

9. On the eighth day of Navratri, an idol of Goddess in standing posture is worshipped

10. Worship of Goddess Saraswati during Navratri (8th and 9th night)

1. Ghatasthapana

Taking a pitcher made of mud or copper, filling it with soil and sowing seven types of grains in it. Please read Sanatan’s Publication for details.

2. Lighting of Akhand deep

Akhand deep
Akhand deep

Akhand means continuous and deep is an oil lamp; Akhand deep is a continuously burning lamp. An oil lamp symbolises absolute Fire principle. During Navratri the atmosphere is charged with a glow that is laden with absolute Fire principle. The frequencies emanating from this glow get attracted towards the flame of the Akhand deep resulting in their constant movement in the house. Hence it is important to light an Akhand deep during Navratri.

3. Establishing Goddess Ashtabhuja and Navarnav Yantra

A. Process of inviting the Goddess and establishing Her ritualistically

The first step in the worship of Goddess during Navratri is inviting Her and establishing Her ritualistically. Due to the resolve in the invitation the energy waves remain activated for a longer time at the site of worship.

B. Ritualistic establishment of the Goddess Ashtabhuja

Goddess Ashtabhuja is the destroyer form of Shakti (Energy principle). Navratri symbolises the actual existence of the primal Shakti which is absolute Fire principle laden. The weapons in the hands of the Goddess Ashtabhuja symbolise the pro-activeness of Her destroyer form. These weapons laden with the destroyer principle act as eight guardians of the eight directions. With the help of the absolute Fire principle they protect the Universe by putting a check on movements of the raja-tama frequencies by blocking their activities.

C. Establishing ritualistically the Navarnav yantra

The Navarnav yantra symbolises the ascending of the Goddess on Her throne established on the Earth. There is confluence and solidification of the destroyer frequencies of the nine forms of Goddess in the Navarnav yantra. Hence, this throne symbolises the presence of the attributeless form of Goddess. The ‘with attribute’ form of the Goddess that appears into the active motion of the Universe from this yantra is believed to symbolise the practical action oriented principle.

4. Malabandhan

Ghatasthapana and Malabandhan
Ghatasthapana and Malabandhan

Hanging garlands over the idol of the Goddess. Due to the colours and fragrance particles of the flowers, the energy frequencies of absolute Fire principle from the atmosphere get attracted towards these flowers and thereby move quickly to the idol and assists the activation of Goddess principle in the idol in less time. This Divine principle is transmitted to the house and thus helps in its purification. The embodied souls residing in the house also benefit from this. – (Pujya) Mrs. Anjali Gadgil

5. Kumarika pujan (Ritualistic worship of virgins)

5.1 How is the ritual of Kumarika pujan performed?

A. During each of the nine days of Navratri, respectfully invite a kumarika (a young virgin) to your house. If this is not possible, the custom is to invite nine kumarikas on any one of the days in Navratri.

B. Offer them a mat made of wool to sit on.

C. Perform their padyapuja (Ritualistic worshipping of their feet) with a bhav (spiritual emotion) that the Goddess principle in them is activated.

D. Offer them a meal of their liking on a banana leaf. It is believed that the Goddess likes kheer (a sweet made of milk and rice) and puris (type of fried Indian bread).

E. There is a custom of offering all kumarikas new clothes, consider them to be representative of Shakti and pay obeisance with utmost bhav.

– Ms. Kavita Patil

5.2 Significance and science underlying the worship of kumarika

A kumarika symbolises Shakti in unmanifest form. Worshipping a kumarika activates the Shakti present in her and helps attract the absolute Fire principle frequencies from the Universe. Later, this principle is transmitted very easily to the atmosphere through the medium of the kumarika in the form of frequencies carrying chaitanya (Divine consciousness) and benefit the people. To accumulate the frequencies of the Goddess principle active during Navartri, the kumarika is worshipped with utmost bhav and efforts are made to appease her as she is considered as the manifest form of the Goddess’ principle. The degree of manifestation of impressions on subconscious mind of the kumarika is less too and this helps in deriving maximum benefit of the ‘with attribute’ form of the Goddess; hence the importance of kumarika pujan during Navratri.

6. Offering Naivedya (consecrated food) to the Goddess all the nine days

During Navratri prepare sattvik dishes for the Goddess, as is customary. Apart from the regular food items include puran (a sweet made of gram and jaggery) and varan (an item made of toor-dal) in the meal. The Naivedya which includes puran and varan, radiates activated raja component and the energy laden absolute Fire element frequencies from the Universe get attracted to it in less time. When one consumes the Naivedya as prasad, he benefits from the energy frequencies which are absolute Fire element oriented and thereby purification of his gross and subtle bodies takes place. – (Pujya) Mrs. Anjali Gadgil

7. Playing ‘Garba’ (a dance form) during Navratri

7.1 What is the significance of playing ‘Garba’?

In Hindu Dharma, playing ‘Garba’ implies singing devotional songs showering praises on the Goddess, accompanied by rhythmic clapping. ‘Garba’ awakens the Goddess from her meditation and is a prayer unto Her to assume Her destroyer form for the benefit of the Universe.

7.2 While playing the Garba should one use a rhythm of two claps or three claps?

The destroyer principle of Goddess Durga is activated gradually, in stages during Navratri. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are the three main levels of the Supreme God. To activate the destroyer principle of the Goddess on all the three levels, devotees clap thrice and activate the will of the Goddess. Hence it is more beneficial to play ‘Garba’ with a rhythm of three claps. The three claps symbolise the following :

1. The first clap is related to Brahma principle, meaning energy of desire . Because of the first clap, the desire frequencies from the Universe are activated and they back the wishes of embodied soul depending on his bhav.

2. Through the medium of second clap, the action frequencies that are Vishnu principle oriented impart energy to the embodied soul to actually perform the actions.

3. Through the medium of the third clap, the knowledge frequencies actually make the task happen and give the embodied soul the desired fruit.

Impact of the claps generates absolute Fire principle and this makes it possible to awaken the destroyer principle of the Goddess. Clapping indicates the worship of the absolute Fire element. Singing devotional songs that appeal to the Goddess principle, supported by rhythmic clapping and moving on a circular path helps awaken bhav towards the Goddess.

8. Performing the Lalita Pujan on the fifth day of Navratri

A fragrance that is Shakti oriented is called Lalita. The manomaya kosh (mental sheath) of the devotee is purified by the fragrance present in the Universe on the fifth day of Navratri. – (Pujya) Mrs. Anjali Gadgil

9. On the eighth day of Navratri, an idol of Goddess in standing posture is worshipped

The all accommodating destroyer waves of Shri Durgadevi present in vast measure on the eighth day of Navratri are imbibed in the face mask made of rice flour and that benefits the devotees. Celebrating Navratri is worshipping the destroyer form of primal Shakti. During Navratri, the intensity of destroyer principle of Shri Durgadevi increases gradually. On the eighth day, the proportion of red colour absolute Fire element frequencies amongst the destroyer waves of the Shri Durgadevi is higher. These waves are related to the absolute Air and Ether elements. Hence, the idol prepared on Ashtami (with a face mask made of rice flour) is draped in a red saree. Rice has the quality of being all accommodating and responds with equal intensity to the ‘with attribute’ frequencies as well as attributeless frequencies. This quality attracts the frequencies dominant with absolute Fire principle. – (Pujya) Mrs. Anjali Gadgil

10. Worship of Goddess Saraswati during Navratri (8th and 9th night)

Goddess Saraswati
Goddess Saraswati

On the previous day of Vijayadashami i.e. 9th day, Goddess Saraswati should be worshipped through the mediums associated with Her origin. But on the day of Vijayadashami the Saraswati principle becomes active in a larger proportion, adopts a ‘with attribute’ existence and then dissolves to a dormant state. So it is desirable that Goddess Saraswati be worsh-ipped on that day prominently.

Thus on Vijayadashami, first the rite of Her worship and then that of immersion are carried out ceremoniously. From the Ashthami (8th day) to Vijayadashami (10th day) the Energy form of Goddess is adorned with all Her knowledge-filled genius. When Goddess Saraswati’s saviour frequencies touch the devotee, his soul-energy is instantly activated and is transformed into a flow of genius. As he is linked with the knowledge-facet of the Goddess, he gets a spiritual experience of bliss.

– (Pujya) Mrs. Anjali Gadgil

Longevity of bhishma and vyaas



information courtesy JIJITH from his site

Mahabharata mentions Bhishma and Vyasa to be born during the time of Kuru king Santanu. Bhishma is mentioned as living to see up to the fifth generation of Santanu (Abhimanyu). Vyasa is mentioned as living to see upto 9th generation of Santanu (Janamejaya’s grandson Aswamedhadatta). The lineage from Santanu upto Aswamedhadatta is as follows:- Santanu > Vichitravirya > Pandu > Arjuna > Abhimanyu > Parikshit > Janamejaya >Satanika > Aswamedhadatta.

Explanation based on a generation gap of 15 years

Some researchers explain it by considering the gap between successive generations to be 15 years. I find this approach problematic when applied to Bhishma or Vyasa. If we consider that Bhishma was aged 20 when Vichitravirya was born, and we add 15 years for successive generations, we have Pandu born when Bhishma was at 35, Arjuna born when Bhishma was at 50 and Abhimanyu born when Bhishma was at 65. If we add 15 more years we get Bhishma’s age during Kurukshetra war to be 80 and Abhimanyu’s age then to be 15. In the next year Parikshit is to be born. If we consider the case of Vyasa, we get that he was aged 95 when Janamejaya was born and 110 when Satanika was born and 125 when Aswamedhadata was born. Vyasa is considered elder to Bhishma so if we add 5 years, his age when Aswamedhadatta was born becomes 130. When Janamejaya asks Vyasa to narrate Mahabharata his grandson Ashwamedhadatta was already born. These are the usual assumption many researchers make.

Problem to this assumptions are the following. Only there were a few cases where generation gap was as low as 15. This is especially true in the case of Santanu’s line till Aswamedhadatta. As per Mahabharata, the only member of this lineage who became king and married early in life was Vichitravirya. Others became king and married in their prime youth. There are references in many ancient literature dealing with the age at which the successor of a king should be appointed as heir-apparent (Yuva-Raja) and later as a king (Raja). According to these, the minimum age at which one should be appointed as heir-apparent is 20 and the minimum age he should be appointed king is 25. Remember that these were the minimum ages. In case of Parikshit, he became king at the age of 36.

Phases of the life of a prince till he becomes king

Till the age of 6, a prince is considered as a child (Sishu) and lives primarily under the protection of his mother. From the age 6 to 12 he is considered as a boy (Baala). Education of a prince starts at the age of 6. He will be made familiarized with scriptures and various sciences and philosophies which were transmitted by oral traditions. From the age 12 to 24 the prince is considered as a tean-ager (Kumara). A prince become fit for military education at the age of 12. Twelve years is one revolution of the planet Jupiter (Guru) . He is then sent to Guru-Kula (the abode of the Guru) for education. Usually, military education last for 12 years (one revolution of Guru or Jupiter). During this period, his should be a bachelor (Brahmachari) and should not marry and beget children. When he comes out of Guru-kula he is already 24. From then onwards he is considered as a youth (Yuva). If he is the eldest son, he is then installed as the heir-apparent (Yuva-Raja). After a period of time he is installed as the king (Raja). Thus he cannot be a king before he turns 25.

Sometimes the prince is declared heir-apparent before the completion of his life in Guru-kula, while he is being educated. So it is fine, for a prince to become heir apparent at the age of 20. There were also another system in which the 12 years of education (military or other) is considered as starting from the age of 6 to 18. Based on this, a prince is considered as a youth (Yuva) when he becomes 18 or 19 years of age. So the age to become a Yuva (youth) varies between 18 to 24. In any case, he becomes a king and is permitted to end his bachelor life only after his Guru-Kula and thus would have completed 18 to 24 years of his life.

Usually younger brothers of the eldest prince who was supposed to become the king was given education along with the eldest and their ages are not given much weight.

If these norms are to be violated, there should be exceptional circumstances. For example, if the throne is empty due to death of an existing king, his son, if he is beyond 12 years of age, should be immediately made heir-apparent and then king even if he has not attained the age to become king. Some times he is also permitted to marry early. This is what happened in the case of Vichitravirya. Mahabharata mention that Vichitravirya had not attained the age to become king when he was installed at the throne of Hastinapura. He was made to marry as soon as he became king. Unfortunately it was these premature kingship and marriage that contributed to his illness and early death. Since the throne was once again empty while Pandu was supposed to be next king, I guess Pandu too became king early in his life and married early, though this was not explicitly mentioned in Mahabharata, like in the case of Vichitravirya. We see that Pandu too, like Vichitravirya, died early.

Explanation based on missing generations

Below is a table showing the probable ages of the members of the generation from Santanu upto Janamejaya’s grandson Aswamedhadatta. It includes the ages of Bhishma and Vyasa. I have considered two Bhishmas (Devavrata of Santanu’s time and Bhishma of Pandava’s time) and three Vyasas (Vyasa who lived since the time of Santanu up to the birth of Parikshit, another Vyasa who lived since the time of Pandu up to the birth of Satanika and yet another Vyasa who lived since the time of Abhimanyu and lived to ask his disciple Vaishampayana to narrate Mahabharata to Janamejaya). I considered Yudhisthira’s age when Abhimanyu was born to be 29 while many others consider Yudhisthira still older when this happened. I consider Yudhisthira’s age during Kurukshetra War to be 49, while many other traditions keep his age at this time to be 70 plus which will push Bhishma’s age still further to the level of absurdity.

Assumptions on the life-expectancy of ancient people

There are several myths about the length of life of ancient people. Some Puranas say that in old days people lived up to a 1000 years and some times 10,000 years! There was also the concept of Chiranjeevees, viz those who live for ever!. What is the reality behind all these? Is there any truth in the belief that people live less in this modern age and lived longer in the ancient age? Some of these are pure fiction but there are some truth in the longevity of certain individuals. A few thousand years back there was no pollution. The atmosphere was clear. The air, water and food were all pure and poison free. People in those days also had to be more physically active. So their bodies were fine-tuned to live up to 120 years of age. No body died in those days due to blood pressure or diabetes. So I consider living up to 100 years was not a problem in those days. I also believe that the number of people who attained the age of 120 was higher in those days compared to what we see today. A lucky few among the ancients lived up to 130. Usually people who lead an ascetic life were able to control their body functions so that their body clock ticked slowly enabling them to live up to 120 or 130 years. There was also practice of YogaYoga is a very ancient practice and I have no doubt that it was practiced during the period of Mahabharata too. Yoga was practiced by ascetics and warriors alike. There was also an efficient system of medicine called Ayurveda which specialized in revitalizing the body when it turned old, making the body youthful again. Ayurveda and Yoga exist today also but their efficiency is reduced. Herbal medicines used in Ayurveda also is subject to pollution now. Yoga also is practiced today with less accuracy.

So I consider that a 100 year old during the Mahabharata era was as healthy as today’s 70 year old. However there is danger in generalizing this to every individual. People also age faster due to constant mental agitation. People like Santanu and Dhritatashtra subjected themselves to mental agitation and aged faster. Others like Vichitravirya and Pandu died early in their life due to diseases and con-genital weaknesses in their body. Thus premature deaths due to weak body and disease also was not uncommon in those days. Chitrangada and Abhimanyu died early in battle-fields. Battles were another cause for death (premature or otherwise) of many people in those days. Epics also indicate that in those days there was high level of infant mortality. Out of eight sons of Ganga by Santanu only Devavrata, the eight, survived. Out of eight sons of Devaki only Krishna survived.

On a side note:- Mythological explanation is that mother herself killed her sons by drowning them into river as they were born and spared only the 8th one Devavrata. But the reality seems to be that they were born dead or became dead soon after their birth, so that their bodies were drowned into river. In case of Krishna, instead of the mother, the blame for killing the babies were put on their maternal uncle Kansa. For more about this see the article on Mahabharata-episode2.

Thus we can conclude that though there were high infant-mortality in those days, once people started living, they lived long. People may die due to some weakness in the body due to birth defects or if they were unlucky to catch some contagious disease. They may also die in war or in an accident. Otherwise, if left to live, they lived up to 120 years without any health problems. If the person belong to the warrior class we can discount some ten years from his life, due to wear and tear of his body, on account of the physical exertion in battles. If on the other hand the person is a sage leading an ascetic life, we can add ten more years to his normal life of 120 years, enabling him to live up to 130 years. Thus we can safely assume that the life-expectancy of Bhishma who was a warrior was a minimum of 110 years and a maximum of 120 years. Similarly we can assume that the life-expectancy of Vyasa who was a sage was a minimum of 120 years and a maximum of 130 years.

Table of Ages

Events San tanu Satya vati Deva vrata Bhishma Vyasa Vyasa2 Vyasa3 Chitr angada Vichitra virya Am balika Pandu Dhrita rashtra Yudhi sthira Abhi manyu Parikshit Jana mejaya Satanika Aswa medha datta
Santanu Weds Ganga 25
Devavrata Born 35 0
Vyasa Born 54 16 19 0
Santanu Marry Satyavati 60 22 25 6
Chitrangada Born 61 23 26 7 0
Vichitravirya Born 75 37 40 21 14 0
Santanu dead 83 45 48 10 29 22 8
Chitrangada King 48 51 13 32 25 11
Chitrangada Dead, Vichitravirya King 54 57 19 38 31 17
Vichitravira marries 55 58 20 39 18 17
Vichitravirya dies 62 65 27 46 25 24
Dhritarashtra, Pandu, Vidura born 64 67 29 48 26 0 0
Pandu King 82 85 47 66 16 44 18 18
Pandu Marries 84 87 49 68 18 46 20 20
Yudhishthira born 88 91 53 72 22 50 24 24 0
Pandu dies 92 95 57 76 26 54 28 28 4
Satavati retires to forest 93 96 58 77 27 55 29 5
Abhimanyu born to Arjuna 120 82 101 51 53 29 0
Kurukshetra War, Bhishma dies *140 102 121 71 21 73 49 20
Parikshit born 122 72 22 74 50 0
Janamejaya born *147 97 47 99 75 25 0
Dwaraka War *157 107 57 85 35 10
Parikshit King *158 108 58 86 36 11
Yudhisthira dies *160 110 60 88 38 13
Parikshit dies; Satanika Born; Janamejaya king *172 122 72 50 25 0
Aswamedhadatta born *197 *147 97 50 25 0
Recital of Mahabharata *202 *152 102 55 30 5

*Ages that I consider as impossible or less likely to occur

Assumptions on the Ages of Individuals

Below are some of the assumptions on ages of individuals used to arrive at these figures. This research is ongoing and so the figures shown above or below or the assumptions made are not final.

Santanu’s age when marrying Ganga 25
Years since the marriage and birth of 8th son Devavrata 10
Satyavati’s age when Vyasa was born 16
Satyavati’s age when she weds Santanu 22
Devavrata’s age when Santanu weds Satyavati 25
Years since the marriage and birth of Chitrangada 1
Gap between birth of Chitrangada and Vichitravirya 14
Years Santanu lived since birth of Vichitravirya 8
Age of Chitrangada when he became king 25
Years Chitrangada ruled 6
Age of Amvalika while marriage 17
Gap between Vichitravirya’s coronation and marriage 1
Gap between Vichitravirya’s marriage and and death 7
Gap between Vichitravirya’s death an birth of Dhritarashtra 2
Pandu’s age when becomes king 18
Gap between Pandu’s coronation and his marriage 2
Gap between Pandu’s marriage and birth of Yudhisthira 4
Gap between Yudhisthira’s birth and Pandu’s death 4.25
Age of Yudhisthira when he became heir-apparent 24
House of Lac; Yudhisthira’s age 25
Bhima meets Hidimba; Yudhisthira’s age 26
Life in Ekachakra; Yudhisthira’s age 27
Marriage with Panchali; King of Indraprastha; Arjuna sets for Pilgrimage; Yudhisthira’s son from Panchali born; Yudhisthira’s age 28
Arjuna weds Subhadra; Bhima’s son from Panchali born; Abhimanyu born; Yudhisthira’s age 29
Burning of Khandava; Mayasabha construction begins; Arjuna’s son from Panchali Born; Yudhisthira’s age 30
Nakula’s son from Panchali Born; Yudhisthira’s age 31
Sahadeva’s son from Panchali Born; Mayasabha complete;Yudhisthira’s age 32
Jarasandha killed; Yudhisthira’s age 33
Rajasuya: Yudhisthira’s age 34
Game of Dice; Yudhisthira’s age 35
12 year forest life and 1 year ingognito life complete; Yudhisthira’s age (lunar years so actually 12 years) 47
War Preparations; Yudhisthira’s age 48
Kurukshetra war; Yudhisthira’s age 49
Gap between Parikshit’s birth and Kurukshetra War 1
Parikshit’s age when Janamejaya is born 25
Gap between Kurukshetra war and Dwaraka War 36
Gap between Dwaraka War and coronation of Parikshit 1
Gap Between Parikshit’s coronation of Parikshit and death of Yudhisthira 2
Janamejaya’s son Satanika born; Parikshit dies; Janamejaya become king; Janamejaya’s age 25
Aswamedhadata born to Satanika; Satanika’s age 25
Gap between Aswamedhadatta’s birth and recital of Mahabharata to Janamejaya 5

Ages of Individuals when Satyavati married Santanu

Assume that Santanu completed his Brahmacharya (bachelor life) and 12 year education at the age of 24 and then became heir-apparent (Yuva-Raja) at the age of 24 and king (Raja) at the age of 25. Assume that Santanu married Ganga at the age of 25. Ganga is mentioned as delivering 8 babies of which only Devavrata the 8th, lived as per Mahabharata. If we consider that the babies are delivered in succession, we can assume 10 years of gap between the marriage and birth of the 8th son, allowing for 5 to 6 months of gaps between birth and conception. Thus we get Devavrata is born when Santanu was 35 years old. When Santanu met Satyavati, Devavrata was already declared heir-apparent (Yuva-Raja). He might have become heir-apparent at the age of 18 or 24 based on when his education ended. Since there was no urgency in making Devavrata, a king, (throne of Hastinapura was not empty; Santanu was still king) we can consider that Devavrata became heir-apparent at the age of 24. Then we can assume that Santanu’s marriage with Satyavati happened when Devavrata was 25. This will make Santanu 60 years old. Santanu was living without a wife since Ganga left him. But his focus was now on his son Devavrata. When Devavrata became a youth, and an able future king for the throne of Hastinapura, Santanu’s focus turned to himself. When he turned 60 he might have had the urge to have a life-partner. He was then attracted to Satyavati who was then youthful and beautiful.

I presume Satyavati was then a young lady at the ripe age of 22. But we know that Satyavati already had a son viz Vyasa when she married Santanu. Where was Vyasa then? We know from Mahabharata that Vyasa was educated by his father Parasara. As we have seen before, a child is usually not separated from his mother till he turns a boy (bala) or 6 years old. Till Vyasa turns 6 he was just a child (Sisu) and should live with his mother. So we can assume that Vyasa’s father Parasara took him from his mother Satyavati when Vyasa was 6 years old. Thus Vyasa might have born when Satyavati was 16 years old. Thus the union between Satyavti and Parasara took place when she was just 15. This also agree with Mahabharata view that Parasara met Satyavati when she was just a girl or not of the ripe age.

Another result of this is that Devavrata was 3 years elder to Satyavati. Mahabharata did not mention if Satyavati was younger or elder to Devavrata. But it was possible in those days for a king to have queens younger than their own elder sons. Sons were supposed to consider women married to their father as their mothers, no matter if they were younger to them or elder to them. This can also be an indirect reason why Santanu hesitated to marry Satyavati and hid it from Devavrata, apart from many other obvious reasons mentioned in Mahabharata.

Age gap between Chitrangada and Vichitravirya

Next vital clue come from the fact that Chitrangada became king when he was fit to be a king. There is no mention in Mahabharata that Chitragada had to grow up to be able to become king. After Santanu dies Chitrangada is installed as the king without any complications. But in contrast, we see in Mahabharata, that Vichitravirya was not grown up enough to become a king, when need arose for him to become the king. This is possible if there is a wide gap between the two brothers. I consider Chitrangada to be 14 years elder than Vichitravirya. I also assume Chitrangada was born immediately after the marriage of Satyavati and Santanu. So when Chitrangada was born, Santanu was 61, Satyavati was 23 and Devavrata was 26. After a gap of 14 years Vichitravirya was born. Then Santanu was 75 years old, Satyavati was 37 and Devavrata was 40. For a man to have children at such old age is not impossible. Available records shows children born to men even at the age of 100 and beyond. However, for a man to have healthy children at the age of 75 is very difficult. But what prompted Santanu to have children at that age? After Chitrangada was born, Santanu’s infatuation with Satyavati probably ended and he might have filled with the feeling of guilt. He had married a women younger than his own son. Not only that, he made his son to forgo the right to be the future king of Hastinapura and the right to beget children. Because of this he might have distanced himself from his wife. But as a king it is important for him to have more sons. Since Devavrata pledged he won’t be king, and since only Chitrangada was there to inherit the kingdom, he might have felt the throne of Hastinapura was insecure. Satyavati too, might have felt the guilt of keeping Devavrata away from the throne, securing it for her children. But that guilt might have overcome by the insecurity that she have only one son. So she might have continuously urged Santanu for another son. This explains the long age gap between Chitrangada and Vichitravirya.

The probability for children born at old age to be unhealthy is high. It seems that Vichitravirya was unhealthy right from his birth. He never participated in any battle. He is never mentioned as supporting his brother Chitrangada when the latter was engaged in a do-or-die battle with the Gandharvas. We may excuse this by considering that Vichitravirya was probably too young for battle then. However, there were no war-songs in the name of Vichitravirya. Even for marriage, he had to depend on Bhishma’s valor. No other king is mentioned as depending on others to obtain wife. Usually it was the king or warrior himself who goes to a self-choice (Swayamvara) ceremony and obtain maidens as his wife. In case of Vichitravirya, it was Bhishma who went to the self-choice ceremony to obtain wives for Vichitravirya. All these points fingers at Vichitravirya’s health and his ability for physical exhaustion. He also died of a respiratory infection (Phthisis) which is the final clue for his fragile health. His early kingship and early marriage too aggravated his ill-health, which was always with him since his birth from an old-aged father.

Mahabharata mentions the cause of Santanu’s death to be old age and mental grief. He did not die in battle. I consider that he was then in his eighties and not in his 120s because he died with constant mental agitation and the feeling of guilt. These always shorten a person’s life expectancy. Assume Santanu died at 83. Then Satyavati would be 45, Devavrata 48, Chitrangada 22 and Vichitavirya would be 8 years of age. I consider Chitrangada became heir-apparent (Yuva-Raja) at the age of 24 and king (Raja) at the usual age of 25 after properly completing his 12 year old military education and bachelor life (Brahmacharya). There is nothing in Mahabharata indicating that he became a king prematurely unlike his brother Vichitravirya. But Chitrangada seemed to be busy as a king and a warrior and forgot to marry. As soon as he became king, he went on to military expedition subjugating many kings. Finally he was caught in a 3 year war with the Gandharvas from which he never escaped. I assume Chitrangada spent 3 years for military expansions and the remaining three years of his life engaging in the long war with the Gandharvas. Thus Chitrangada died at the age of 31, when Vichitravirya was just 17 years old. Vichitravirya was then asked to assume the the throne and become king. This matches with the reference in Mahabharata, that he had to become king before attaining the right age to do so. Soon after he became king, he was asked to marry.

There is a reference in Mahabharata at Mbh.1.100 where Santanu is mentioned as enjoying domestic life for 36 years and then retiring to woods! I have avoided this number in my calculation since this was a floating statement. Subsequently it mentions that Devavrata became king after Santanu retired to woods! Thus this is an alternative history on the life of Santanu and Devavrata. I am investigating on this as a separate research-thread, which will be updated on the article on Bhishma. Soon after these statements the Mahabharata narration returns to the main course and describes how king Santanu met the grown up Devavrata for the first time!

Why Amva won’t marry Vichitravirya?

I presume Vichitravirya was 18 years old (one year after he became king) when she married Amvika and Amvalika. I also assume Amvalika to be one year younger to Vichitravirya, at the age of 17, her elder sister Amvika at 18 equal in age to Vichitravirya and her eldest sister Amva at 19, one year elder to him. It was fine in those days to marry women younger or equal to your age but never those who were elder. This could be yet another reason why Amva would not marry Vichitravirya. The primary reason she mentioned was that she wanted to marry the Salwa king. If this was the only reason she could have married Vichitravirya after she was rejected by Salwa. After all, two of her younger sisters were happily married to Vichitravirya and she was abducted by Bhishma along with them for the whole purpose of marrying her to Vichitravirya. We can also see in Mahabharata that Amva proposed to marry Bhishma. So this Bhishma was certainly elder than Amva. Devavrata’s pledge of life-long celibacy was not a secret. There is no doubt that this was known to Amva also. So I do not think the ‘Bhishma’ that Amva was referring to at this point was Devavrata. This Bhisma was somebody else who was elder than Amva but not the Devavrata, the son of Santanu.

This is where I introduce the other Bhishma who was a Gangeya like Devavrata and probably related to Devavrata, though a strong blood relation which we do not know what. For more details, please refer my analysis in the article on Mahabharata-episode2 upto episode5 and also my article onBhishma. The summary of this analysis is that Devavrata and Bhishma were different. Bhishma was not a son of Devavrata but of his son’s age, belonging to the same tribe (Gangeya tribe). Due to Devavrata and his pledge, all of the members of the Gangeya tribe were supposed to protect the throne of Hastinapura from threats. In other words, they had to server as the generalissimos of the Kuru-army. In Kurukshetra war, Bhishma indeed served as the commander-in-chief of Kuru army under Kuru king Duryodhana. Bhishma inherited from Devavrata, his objective of protecting the Kuru kings and probably decided to remain celibate like Devavrata. Being a Gangeya, protection of Kurus was mandatory for Bhishma. But I consider Bhishma’s choice to remain celibate was optional, unlike the case of Devavrata. This could be the reason why Amva asked Bhisma to marry her. What was then the age of Bhishma? Since Amva choose to marry Bhishma, he is certainly elder to Amva. I consider Bhishma 2 years elder than Vichitravirya and 1 year elder to Amva. He could be older than that, but I took the lowest possible age for my analysis. Thus when this incident was happening Bhishma was 20 years old, Amva was 19 years old and Vichitravirya was 18 years old. This also explain the manner in which Bhishma abducted the brides from Kasi. He newer showed the maturity of a 58 year old (Devavrata would be 58 then, as per our calculations). What he exhibited at Kasi was the strength and virility of a 20 year old together with the brashness and immaturity of that age. He considered abducting of the maidens, against their will and defeating and humiliating all the assembled kings as a means to display his valor. The urge of a young warrior who just want to prove himself! Probably he wanted to prove in his own immature ways, that he was worthy of the title ‘Bhishma’ awarded to him by Devavrata?

Why Amva became angry at Bhishma?

When Bhishma proclaimed to Amva that he had pledged to remain celibate, Bhishma was reliving the terrible pledge of Devavrata once again. This was yet another terrible pledge. Thus he might have become once again worthy of the title ‘Bhishma’. Amva’s reaction was surprising. She was shocked by that statement and chose to become an arch-enemy of Bhishma. It is as if that Amva never knew that Bhishma had made such an oath. If it were Devavrata, then the whole world knew that he had pledged to remain celibate. So there was no need for Amva to propose marriage with him and get shocked to know that he was a celibate. This also strengthen our theory that Amva was indeed speaking to a new Bhishma. May be it was the first time the new Bhishma openly proclaimed his intention to follow the footsteps of Devavrata. Perhaps this was needed to remove the fears of Vichitravirya. Since Bhishma was a different person from Devavrata he had a choice not to become a celibate, and beget children though he may be bound due to his tribal roots as a Gangeya, to protect the throne of Hastinapura, on the basis of Devavrata’s old pledge. When Amva asked to marry Bhisma, he removed all the fears from the Kuru house, by revitalizing his predecessor Devavrata’s pledge of life-long celibacy. Though this terrible pledge would have made Vichitravirya and Satyavati happy, it would have shattered Amva. She knew her only future was in becoming the wife of Bhishma. She was banished both by her lover Salwa and her father, the king of Kasi, since she was abducted by Bhishma in a brash and immature display of valor. She had all the right to demand Bhishma to marry her. But Bhishma shattered all of this in one blow.

Why Devavrata and Bhishma did not help Chitrangada in his three year long battle?

What ever be the impression Bhisma left on others by his impulsive act of abduction, he then became famous as the new and young commander-in-chief of Hastinapura. The intelligent and gentle Devavrata (the old Bhishma and the old commander) gave way to the young and brilliant Bhishma, the new commander! One doubt remain why Devavrata or Bhishma was not mentioned in the three year war of Chitrangada with the Gandharvas. The answer is that when this war started Bhishma was just 16 years old and was undergoing his military training. Chitrangada’s obsession with territory expansion and military expedition started much before the three year war with the Gandharvas. It started since he became king. Then Bhishma, as per our calculations, was just 13 years old. But Devavrata was 51 then. When Chitrangada died he would be at 57. These were certainly not the prime ages for a warrior but they were also not the age for a warrior to retire, during those periods. The answer is that Devavrata was never a great warrior who can fight in the front-line of battle. He probably stayed in Hastinapura defending it from any surprise attacks from the enemies. This was probably needed to protect the king’s younger brother viz. Vichitravirya from threats. Remember Santanu chose Devavrata to be a king (Raja), not a commander (Senapati), seeing his intelligence, gentleness and his deep filial devotion. The only example for Devavrata’s skill in archery, found mentioned in Mahabharata, was not an achievement in battlefield, but an achievement in engineering field. He impressed Santanu by constructing a dam made of arrows in the course of river Ganga.

What happened to Devavrata of Santanu era if he is not Bhishma of Pandava era?

What happened to Devavrata, the old Bhishma? After witnessing the death of his father he might have felt life meaningless. His filial devotion was very strong. After all, Santanu had no problem in accepting Devavrata as his long lost son. He did not question his wife Ganga, if the son that she was returning to him after many years of separation was indeed his own son. People of the kingdom might have doubted on the validity of Ganga’s claim, but Santanu never doubted Ganga or his son. Contrast this with Dushyanta, who doubted his wife Sakuntala and son when Sakuntala came to reunite with him along with their son Bharata. Santanu’s faith in Devavrata and his mother was returned by Devavrata in the form of his strong devotion to his father. This filial devotion was the motivation for the whole of his life. It is what made him to make the terrible promise by which he sacrificed his right to throne and the right to beget children at one blow. He might have lost the will to live after his beloved father’s death. But his sense of duty and his pledge of protecting his father’s sons and there by the throne of Hastinapura might have urged him to live on. But when Chitrangada died in battle, Devavrata’s promise was part broken! He could not prevent the death of Chitrangada. He might have considered this as his failure. He failed in protecting the throne of Hastinapura! Probably he might have chosen to retire. Probably he installed Vichitravirya at the throne of Hastinapura and retired to woods transferring his title and his pledge to another member of his tribe, viz. the new and young Bhishma.

Another possibility is based on a clue in the form of a boon that Santanu is mentioned as giving Devavrata. In response to Devavrata’s terrible pledge that enable him to marry Satyavati, he gave his son the boon to die whenever he wished to do so (Swachanda-Mrtyu). In simple terms, this was the right to commit suicide. Devvrata might have exercised this right after the coronation of Vichitravirya. A third possibility is that he died an infamous death in the war between Chitrangada and the Gandharvas, which the bards won’t talk about or sing war-songs about. This will require that Vichitravirya was installed at the throne by the 19 year old Bhishma. Because of this I don’t put much weight on this possibility. But if we consider that it was not Bhishma, but some others like a priest who installed Vichitravirya, there is no problem. But Mahabharata explicitly mentions Bhishma’s role in the installation of Vichitravirya at the throne and no other than the old Bhishma viz. Devavrata fits into that role.

Ages of individuals during the birth of Pandu

It is mentioned in Mahabharata that Vichitravirya lived 7 years of fruitless married life and died. So his age at the time of death was 25. It was too young an age to die! Then Satyavati would be at 62, Devavrata if alive would be at 65, Bhishma as per our calculation would be at 27, Amva at 26, Amvika at 25 and Amvalika at 24. As per Mahabharata, Satyavati was alarmed by the empty throne of Hastinapura and wanted new heirs for the kingdom as quickly as possible. After one year of mourning, Satyavati would have asked Bhishma to beget children upon the wives of Vichitravirya. But Bhishma stuck to his pledge or remaining a celibate. Then she might have invited her elder son Vyasa for the same task. Based on our calculations, Vyasa then would be aged 47. This explain the strange behavior exhibited by Amviaka and Amvalika when Vyasa entered their rooms. They were used to see Vichitravirya who was at his prime youth. Though Mahabharata mention Vichitravirya as weak-bodied he was mentioned as extremely handsome and very young. Instead they were seeing a 47 year old sage! At most they might have expected that it would be the youthful Bhishma of 28 years of age. But Vyasa at the age of 47 with his matted locks and sage like primitive outlook might have been terrible for them. Since Vyasa impregnated the three ladies, viz, Amvika’s servant (Dasi), Amvika and Amvalika within a weeks time, the children viz. Vidura, Dhritarashta, and Pandu might have born more or less during the same year. There is an interesting article about the birth of the three viz. Vidura, Dhritarashtra and Pandu by a writer named Indaajeet here. I tend to agree with most of his findings. The major point of his analysis is that Vidura was the elder than Dhritarashta and Pandu. In any case, age gap between them was a few days. Assuming that they were born two years after Vichitravirya’s death, due to urgency of the situation, Satyavti would be then at 64, Bhishma at 29 and Amvalika at 26.

Ages of Individuals during the death of Pandu

Since Dhritarashtra was blind and since Vidura was born of a servant (Dasi), among the three of them, Pandu was chosen as the king. I presume that Pandu too became king at an early age like Vichitravirya, urged by a vacant throne. Vichitravirya became king at 17 and married at 18. Pandu, however had the mindset of a conqueror like Chitrangada (unlike Vichitravirya). Considering that Pandu became king at the tender age of 18 and spend some time in military expeditions and territory expansion like Chitrangada, he might have married at the age of 20. He won Kunti in a self-choice ceremony as his first wife. But he remained childless even after one year. Bhishma might have sensed some problem and chose Madri as second wife for Pandu. When Pandu was at 20, Bhishma would be at 49 and no longer an immature teen-ager when he abducted the Kasi maidens. He was now mature. He went to Madra kingdom and bought Madri by paying money to Madra king Shalya the brother of Madri, as that was the custom prevailed in Madra kingdom. This time there were no battle and it was a peaceful affair. But his basic character remains the same, which is, if a maiden cannot be abducted by force, buy her! He also brought Gandhari from the Gandhara Kingdom as wife for the blind Dhritarashtra. Both Madra and Gandhara were Bahlika kingdoms and lied very close to each other. Their cultures were same. Bhishma probably bought Gandhari by paying money to Sakuni, the brother of Gandhari, the same way he bought Madri by paying tribute to Shalya. We can accept that Bhishma bought a wife for Dhritarashtra since he was blind and there was no other way he could get a wife from a decent royal family. Why did he bought Madri for Pandu? Perhaps Madri was Bhishma’s choice for Pandu while Kunti was Pandu’s own choice. But when there was no son born to Pandu even in his new wife Madri, after one year of their marriage, Pandu too sensed trouble. This was going like the 7 year long fruitless marital life of Vichitravirya!

This could be the reason why Pandu left to live in a forest-retreat along with his two wives. Assume that Pandu married Madri at the age of 21, after the 1 year long married life with Kunti became fruitless. Assume that 1 year long life with Madri too became fruitless. Then he was at 22. He might have left to the forest-retreat with his two wives at this time. Pandu did not went to forest for performing penance, because he took his wives too. So, in the forest he was trying to mate with his two wives to beget children. Perhaps forest retreat gave him a fresh environment, where he though would make his unions fruitful. Perhaps there were some herbal medicine or a herbal treatment offered by the sages that could cure Pandu’s apparent impotency. After 1 year of trials, Pandu (age: 23) might have frustrated and finally opted to follow the route of Niyoga for begetting children. This was the same practice by which Pandu was born. It was the practice prevailed in royal palaces when a king becomes issue-less, his wife was impregnated by other able men. Thus we can assume that Yudhisthira was born when Pandu was 24 years of age. Assume that gap between the birth of Yudhisthira and Bhima was 1.5 and between Bhima and Arjuna was 1.5. The gap between Arjuna and the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) could be 8 months or less. A gap of 1.5 years are needed for healthy pregnancies of a mother in succession. Since the twins were born to Madri, and Arjuna to Kunti, gap between Arjuna’s birth and the birth of the twins can be shorter. When the twins were born, Pandu was thus aged at around 28. There is an interesting article on the birth of Pandavas written by Indrajeet here. The important point I take from Indrajeet’s analysis is that Arjuna was Pandu’s own son. Though Yudhisthira and Bhima were born of Niyoga, Pandu was finally able to cure his impotency and father Arjuna upon his wife Kunti. When Madri begged for a son, Arjuna was probably not born (may be 8 months old inside womb) and so it would not be clear to Kutni or Pandu that their union had really succeeded. So Pandu might have advised Madri for Niyoga for begetting children. Thus the twins were born by Madri through Niyoga. If Madri had conceived when Kunti’s last pregnancy was 8 months old, she will deliver the twins after 9.5 months and Kunti will deliver Arjuna after 1.5 more months, both being healthy pregnancies. Thus Arjuna was only eight months older than Nakula and Sahadeva.

After six months since the birth of the twins, Madri became capable of giving birth to another child. Now it was also clear that Pandu was capable of begetting children. Madri might have wanted a child from Pandu. But their union turned to a tragedy. Pandu might have died of a heart complication probably because of some congenital illness. Mahabharata mentions that Pandu was anemic and hence whitish in complexion. He might have lacked sufficient red-blood cells in his blood. This would have prevented sufficient oxygen flow to his brain while engaged in physical exertion, leading to unconsciousness and death. This could be the reason why he was never able to beget children before and Arjuna’s birth was probably a miracle or the result of concentrated medical treatment. This could also be the reason why there was so much of celebration when Arjuna was born.

In any case, we can assume that Pandu was a little above 28 years of age when he died. At that time Yudhisthira was above 4 years old , Amvalika the mother of Pandu was 54 years old Satyavati, the grandmother of Pandu was at 92. We learn from Mahabharata that, after Pandu’s death, the sage in the forest sent the Pandavas and Kunti to Hastinapura and then onwards they lived there. One year after that we see that Satyavati (93), Amvika (56) and Amvalika (55) retired to woods at the advice of Vyasa who was then 77 years old. Bhishma was then 58 years old.

Vyasa1 and Vyasa2

Here I make an assumption that the Vyasa of Santanu era too followed Satyavati. This Vyasa might have lived till the age of 122 due to his ascetic mode of life and might have been alive when Arjuna’s grandson Parikshit was born. But I guess he was practically retired from the affairs of the world as his mother retired to the woods. Like the original Bhishma (Devavrata), followed his father Santanu in words and deeds, the original Vyasa (Vyasa1) followed his mother Satyavati in words and deeds! I consider Vyasa2 to be born when Vyasa1 was 50 years of age. It is not necessary that Vyasa2 was the son of Vyasa1, but that is also a possibility. I presume, it was Vyasa2 who interacted with the Pandavas and guided them throughout their life.

Since Vyasa1 was still alive, he might have traveled to Hastinapura to advice his son Dhritarashta on rare occasions and also when Bhishma died in Kurukshtra war. He might not have lived beyond the birth of Parikshit at which time he was 122 years of age. Since then, only Vyasa2 remained.

Age analysis though the life of the Pandavas

Let us analyze the crucial incidents during the life of the Pandavas, by counting the age of Yudhisthira. Yudhisthira was 4 to 5 years of age when his father died and he reached Hastinapura. Duryodhana was born to Dhritarashtra, one year after Yudhisthira was born. Thus Yudhisthira was elder and was supposed to be the next king. But Duryodhana was the current king Dhritarastra’s son. So the education of the Kauravas and Pandavas might have followed the age of Yudhisthira or that of Duryodhana. Since the difference is only 1 year let us forget about it. Counting based on Yudhistira’s age, his normal education started at the age of 6 and military education at the age of 12. After 12 years military education was completed, Yudhisthira was made heir-apparent (Yuva-Raja). Yudhisthria would be then 24 years of age. Add one year each to the following incidents:- Attempted murder of the Pandavas at Varanavata, Bhima meets Hidimba in the forest, 1 year life in Ekachakra village, marriage ofPanchali. Yudhisthira’s age is now 28. Yudhisthira earned the right to beget the first child upon Panchali, though Arjuna had won the hand of Panchali. This was because, it was regulated that Panchali be the wife of all the five Pandavas and that she should spend one full year with each of them to determine who was the father of each of the children born to Panchali. This would lead to an unhealthy situation for Panchali whose interval between successive deliveries and conception will be as less as 2 or 3 months. However, since this is explicitly mentioned in Mahabharata, I stick to this calculation. Age 28 was very special to Yudhisthira . At this age he obtained Panchali as his queen through the bravery of his brothers Arjuna and Bhima; he became a King (of Indraprastha) and by the end of this year he also obtained a son by Panchali named Prativindhya.

Why Arjuna went for a long pilgrimage?

Though it was Arjuna who won Panchali with the help of Bhima, she started living with Yudhisthira for the first year, following the rule set by Naradaand approved by Vyasa. So Arjuna left the palace to search for other wives. Thus I consider there is not much truth in the story of Arjuna going for a 12 (!) year long pilgrimage(!) as mentioned in Mahabharata. Arjuna was actually searching for other women. He in his wanderings married [[[Naga]] princess Ulupi whose territories lied on the banks of river Ganga and princess Chitrangada of Naga-Dravida origin whose territories lied some where in the southern Orissa or northern Andhra Pradesh. The city of Manipura seems to be a Kalinga port-city. From there, after encountering some Apsara ladies in his wanderings he finally reached Dwaraka. There he married Krishna‘s sister Subhadra. When he returned with Subhadra, to Indraprastha, Panchali had already delivered a son to Yudhisthira and Bhima and by turn Panchali was now his wife and Subhadra was pregnant with Arjuna’s son. By this time Ulupi and Chitrangada had already delivered Arjuna’s babies. When Yudhisthira was aged 29, Arjuna’s son by Subhadra, viz. Abhimanyu was born. After Abhimanyu was born, Arjuna went with Subhadra and Panchali for a pleasure trip at Khandava, along with Krishna and his wife. It was then, the Burning of Khandava happened. In the same year Arjuna’s son by Panchali was born. Thus Arjuna’s eldest son (excluding sons born by Ulupi and Chitrangada) was Abhimanyu. After burning of Khandava, Maya started construction of the famous assembly hall. It was completed by the time Panchali delivered babies of Nakula and Sahadeva. Then Yudhisthira’s age was 32. Jarasandha was killed when Yudhisthira was 33 and Rajasuya was conducted when he was 34. Game of dice happened when he was at 35.

Age of Individuals at the time of Kurukshetra War

After the game of dice, the Pandavas were banished for 12 years of forest life and 1 year of incognito life. But these years were calculated by Bhishma using lunar calender while Duryodhana calculated it using solar calender, which made him believe that he discovered the identity of the Pandavas before their 1 year incognito life was completed. Thus this whole period lasted only 12 solar years or less than that. Thus Yudhisthira was 47 after the one year of incognito life. One year went in war preparations and peace talks. So when the Kurukshetra war happened, Yudhisthira was 49 years of age. At this time Bhisma’s age was 102 and Abhimanyu’s age was 20. Based on our general analysis about the age of people during the Mahabharata war, this age was not a hindrance for Bhishma for participating in the war and survive it for full 10 days as the commander-in-chief of the army. For a modern day 100 year old this feat might be near impossible. But considering the fact that the number of people who lived up to the age of 120 was higher in those days in comparison to modern days, Bhishma’s age of 102 is acceptable. He could have lived upto 110 years if he did not die in the battle, discounting 10 years from 120 years for the life expectancy of Bhishma, owing to his life as a warrior. But if we check the life of Devavrata, he would have turned 140 at this age if he was ever alive. Vyasa1 as per our calculation would be now 121 years nearing his death. Probably Vyasa1 might have visited Bhishma as he lay dead in battle field. Vyasa1 might have lived one more year to hear the news of the birth of Parikshit and then might have died soon at the age of 122.

Vyasa2 and Vyasa3

At the time of Kurukshetra war, Dhritarashtra was aged 73. Vyasa2 was aged 71. I here introduce Vyasa3 too. Probably he was now aged 21. I assume Vyasa3 to be born when Vyasa2 turned 50. Thus Vyasa2’s age was comparable to the age of Dhritarashta, Vyasa3’s age was comparable to Abhimanyu.

On an average, as per my calculations, the generation gap of members of Santanu’s lineage was around 25 and that of Vyasa’s lineage was around 50. Even this difference in generation gap is sufficient to create an illusion that the members of Vyasa lineage were living longer or that they were Chiranjeevees (those who live for ever), especially from the point of view of a member in the lineage of Santanu. This, coupled with the fact that successive generations of Vyasas chose to identify themselves as ‘Vyasa’ instead of promoting their own individual identities, might have lead to the myth of a long living Vyasa, who lived for many centuries! Members of Vyasa’s lineage still exist in India, so do members of Valmiki’s lineage. Similarly there are Vasisthas, Bharadwajas and Gautamas too in modern day India. These surnames are still alive. Thus as a family, Vyasa is still alive!

From Parikshit to Aswamedhadatta

As per Mahabharata, Parikshit was born 1 year after Kurukshetra war. We also learn from Mahabharata that 36 years since the Kurukshetra War, there was a war at Dwaraka. After this the Pandavas retired to woods and Parikshit became king. When Parikshit was born, as per our calculation, Yudhisthira was 50 and Dhritarashtra was 74. Assume that Janamejaya was born when Parikshit was 25. Then Dhritarashtra was 99, and probably now retired to woods. Yudhisthira was then aged 75. When Dwaraka war broke out Dhritarashtra was already dead. Yudhisthira was then 85, Parikshit at 35 and Janamejaya at 10. Vyasa1 was then dead (if alive was 157), Vyasa2 at 107 and Vyasa3 at 57. Soon after that Parikshit became king at the age of 36. Then Yudhisthria and brothers retired to woods. Then Yudhisthira was aged 86. He probably died after 2 years of wanderings since his retirement at the age of 88. How many years Yudhisthira lived after retiring to woods really do not affect our calculations much. Assume that Parikshit prematurely died at the age of 50 when Janamejaya was 25. Janamejaya then becomes the king. At this time Vyasa2 would be 122 years of age and nearing his death or already is dead. Vyasa1 if alive would be then 172 years of age!. Vyasa3 was then 72 years of age. Thus I consider the Vyasa who was born to Satyavati and interacted with Bhishma and fathered Dhritarashtra was Vyasa1, while the Vyasa who interacted with the Pandavas was Vyasa2 and the Vyasa who interacted with Parikshit and Janamejaya was Vyasa3. Suka was probably the son of Vyasa3. It was Suka who narrated Bhagavata to Parikshit. The nucleus of Bhagavata was probably authored by Vyasa3 which he then described to Suka. Then Vyasa4 alias Suka might have developed it further and his sons, grandsons and members down the line might have converted it into a Purana, which we now know as the Bhagavata Purana. Bhagavata is thus considered a Purana where as Jaya (Mahabharata) is an Itihasa. In the article Purana and Itihasa I have explained the difference between a Purana and an Itihasa. The former is composed several centuries after the incidents happened and the latter is composed as and when (or within a few years after) the incidents occur.

Jaya which later became Mahabharata was probably authored by Vyasa2 who always interacted with the Pandavas during their life-time. He might have taught it to Vyasa3 who then taught it to his disciples. When Mahabharata was narrated to Janamejaya by Vaishampayana, a disciple of Vyasa3, Janamejaya’s son Satanika already had his son Aswamedhadatta born. If we consider Satanika was born around the time Parikshit died and Janamejaya became king, and assume that Aswamedhadatta was born when Satanika was 25, we get Janamejaya’s age at that time to be 50. Assuming that Aswamedhadatta was a 5 year old kid when Mahabharata was recited we get the age of Janamejaya when Mahabharata was recited to be 55. Then Vyasa1 if alive would be 202 years old and Vyasa2 if alive would be 152 years old and Vyasa3 would be 102 years old. Thus I consider during the recital of Mahabharata only Vyasa3 was alive.